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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/09/13 03:11:43 JSTLastUpdate:2020/11/14 00:45:05 JST
TITULO The Japanese Electronics Challenge ()
AUTOR Mick McLean
EDITORIAL Frances Pinter Publishers
ISBN 0-86187-273-8
NOTA ()(In the last few years the electronics industry has emerged as a major source of worldwide innovation and economic growth. Although historically most sectors of the industry have been dominated by multinational firms based in the United States, Japanese manufacturers, with the help of their Government, have recently challenged the primary role of the USA.@^In the key fields of integrated circuits and computers, in particular, the Japanese have already gained a large share of world markets and established a firm base for future expansion. In order to consolidate their position the Japanese are keen to forge links with European companies, and the Europeans have been forced to readjust to the eastward shift of the technological focus of the industry.@^This book summarizes the proceedings of two seminars sponsored by TECHNOVA, at which Japanese and European industrialists, civil servants and politicians explored together the problems and opportunities posed by the Japanese electronics challenge.@^The papers presented offer a fascinating insight into the development of the industry in Europe and Japan both from the point of view of the manufacturers and in the later seminar in terms of the impact of the electronics revolution on everyday life. Much of the statistical material has not been presented elsewhere in English.@^LThe Japanese Electronics ChallengeL will be of immense value to anyone concerned with the future of Japan or the worldwide electronics industry.@TECHNOVA INC. was established in Tokyo in 1978 to promote research on new industrial policies, advanced technology developments and innovative management systems. TECHNOVA also exists to promote projects in technology transfer between Japan and both developed and developing countries for their mutual benefit and in close cooperation with central government and public organizations.^Among its activities TECHNOVA will, on behalf of domestic and overseas clients, collect and offer information, undertake basic research and feasibility studies and provide advice and suggestions concerning cooperation in areas of technological and industrial development.@Mick McLean took his degree in Logic at Sussex University before joining ICL in 1970 to sell the flight test computer for Concorde. He then returned to Sussex as a Research Fellow at the Science Policy Research Unit. In 1977 he became a consultant to the OECD in Paris prior to his appointment in 1978 as the first editor of LElectronics TimesL, BritainLs leading electronics trade journal. The editor would like to thank all the staff at Electronics Times who make such a valuable contribution to the initial editing of the seminar papers and transcripts.@CONTENTS^@PART I : MICROELECTRONICS AND INDUSTRIAL CHANGE IN JAPAN AND EUROPE^@Introduction (Louis de Guiringaud and Keichi Oshima)^@1.The economic and social implications of the applications of microelectronics (Jurgen Reese)^@2.Microelectronics and technical innovation in Japanese industry (Takemochi Ishii)^@3.Microelectronics : A challenge to industry (Ferdinand Rauwenhoff)^@4.Microelectronics and society (Takuma Yamamoto)^@5.Prospects for the development of relations between the European and Japanese microelectronics industries (Edouard Guigonis)^@6.Microelectronics in Japan : Essential resources for industrial growth and social welfare (Michiyuki Uenohara)^@7.The macroeconomic effects of microelectronics (Gunnar Eliasson)^@8.Discussion^@@PART II : MICROELECTRONICS IN EVERYDAY LIFE^@Introduction (Louis de Guiringaud and Saburo Okita)^@9.Perspectives on the microelectronics industry and technology in Japan (Takemochi Ishii)^@10.The influence of microelectronics on the conception of products (Pierre Aigrain)^@11.Microcomputers in the Japanese consumer durables industry --status and prospects (Tadashi Sasaki)^@12.Telecommunications --innovation in the office (Rolf-Dieter Leinster)^@13.The office automation industry --status and prospects (Kohei Amou)^@14.Microelectronics --threat or opportunity? (Albert Jan Huart)^@15.The microcomputer revolution in Japanese society (Yoichi Tao)^@16.Discussion^)


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