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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/09/13 03:19:24 JSTLastUpdate:2020/11/19 23:02:04 JST
TITULO Japanese Electronics (A WormLs-Eye View of Its Evolution) ()
AUTOR Makoto Kikuchi
EDITORIAL The Simul Press
ISBN 4-377-50591-2
NOTA ()(Rapid advances in science and technology are writing a new page in the annals of human history. Electronics ride the crest of this tide of technological innovation, and are claiming a place at the core of modern life.^@JapanLs performance in this vital field has attracted world attention. What was behind JapanLs dazzling climb from the ashes of World War II to ascendancy in the electronics race? What made this astounding progress possible?^@Dr. Makoto Kikuchi is a guiding figure in Japanese electronics and a pioneer in semiconductor physics with many close friends in the world scientific community. Working constantly in the forefront of the field, from the transistorLs infancy through the most dramatic eras in the evolution of electronics, he has repeartedly demonstrated his skills as an essayist in interpreting scientific topics for laymen.^@Here he draws on his own priceless experience, vast knowledge and international perspective to trace the course of electronics in Japan, and unveil the cultural roots of Japanese creativity.^@As electronics reshape the course of history, the eyes of the world turn increasingly to Japan. What made the rapid rise of Japanese electronics possible? How strong is Japan in this vital field?^@Dr. Makoto Kikuchi writes as a research establishment insider, a scientist whose career has paralleled the history of electronics in Japan. In this absorbing book he explains the cultural background and distinctive creativity that drive JapanLs electronics, and reveals the source of the energy that has propelled the country to the front ranks of world industry.)


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