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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/06/20 00:33:28 JSTLastUpdate:2020/03/01 10:36:24 JST
TITULO Japanese Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy ()
AUTOR Donald C. Hellmann
EDITORIAL University of California Press
ISBN 69-16507 (Library of Congress Catalog Card Number)
NOTA ()(The Peace Agreement with the Soviet Union) (After the withdrawal of the Allied Occupation forces, many Japanese political leaders sought for their country a larger and more independent role in world affairs. Thus, the newly-installed Hatoyama Government made known its desire for normal diplomatic relations with both the Soviet Union and the (Communist) Republic of China ---a goal that became a major Party slogan. The subsequent negotiations for a peace agreement with the Soviet Union precipitated intense domestic political controversy, in part because the issue represented the first major act of foreign policy to be proposed by the government since the restoration of national independence ; as such, it attracted many politicians who were just then emerging or reemerging after the Allied purge of pre-war and wartime political leaders. The battle was waged with little concern for the central question of national policy ; instead, the main attraction was political ---party and factional--- power. The two-year conflict, which continued until the conclusion of an agreement with the Soviet Union in 1956, determined many of the characteristic and permanent features that the Japanese political order has displayed since that time. Hence the interest that attaches to this study, which analyzes the political elements affecting the course of the negotiations with Russia : public opinion, political parties, private pressure groups, and the formal institutions of government. Mr. HellmannLs perceptive appraisal of the action and interaction of these elements leads to conclusions that challenge many commonly-held assumptions about the nature of the Japanese political system, particularly those assumptions concerning the influence of business groups. Since his perspective on the entire political process affecting the negotiations with the Soviet Union is sufficiently broad to permit him to draw parallels with comparable processes in Western nations, the book should interes students of comparative and international politics as well as those concerned with the widening role of Japan in East Asian politics. Mr. Hellmann is a member of the Department of Political Science and of the Far Eastern and Russian Institute at the University of Washington.)


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