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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/06/20 00:36:11 JSTLastUpdate:2020/03/01 01:42:50 JST
TITULO The Emergence of Japan (As a World Power 1895`1925) (š)
AUTOR Morinosuke Kajima
ISBN 0-8048-0166-5
NOTA (š)(During the thirty years from 1895 to 1925, the structure of international relations in the Far East was transformed. In this transformation, the most striking element was JapanLs dramatic emergence as a world power. Since very few Japanese diplomatic documents were published during those years, this crucial period has been inadequately known except from the viewpoint of the Western Powers. This book, based on many yearsL study of and participation in JapanLs foreign affairs, fills the gap. Beginning with the Triple Intervention at the close of the Sino-Japanese War, and ending with the restoration of diplomatic relations between Japan and the Soviet Union in the critical aftermath of the Washington Conference, it analyzes the steps by which Japan rose from the ststus of an isolated minor nation to that of a major world power, whose relations with Russia, France, Germany, Great Britain, and the United States seriously influenced events in Europe as well as in Asia and the Pacific. The book is divided into two parts ---an analysis of JapanLs diplomatic response to the successive problems she faced, and a historical survey of the events of the whole period. Dr. Kajima has drawn upon the published diplomatic documents of the Western Powers, as well as memoirs, biographical works, and contemporary comment, to form a coherent and balanced picture of a complex and often bitter period. The original Japanese version of this book received the Japan Academy Award in 1959--- JapanLs highest honor for books of Academic and scientific research.@ŸAbout the author : As a member of the Japanese Foreign Office, Dr. Morinosuke Kajima was assigned the task of arranging secret diplomatic documents and compiling JapanLs diplomatic history. That was the beginning of the exhaustive research that was to culminate in this and other noteworthy books of history and analysis. A law graduate of Tokyo Imperial University, Dr. Kajima served in the Foreign Office Bureau of Commercial and European-American Affairs, and in Japanese embassies in Italy and Germany. In 1938 he assumed the presidency of Kajima Construction Company, beginning a distinguished business career. In 1953 he returned to government, this time as a member of the upper house of the national Diet, and was appointed Minister of State in 1957. He was reelected in 1959, ranking second in the national constituency, and in 1965, ranking first. As a legislator he has continued to specialize in international relations, serving as Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the upper house, and Vice-chairman and later Chairman of the Liberal-Democratic PartyLs Foreign Relations Research Committee. But his activity in this field has not been confined to official duties. In 1957 he founded the Kajima Research Institute, in 1963 the Kajima Institute Publishing Company, and in 1966 the Kajima Institute of International Peace, foundations which have already done much to investigate and illuminate the problems of international peace and security. In May 1966, Dr. Kajima was awarded the First Class of the Order of the Sacred Treasure in recognition of his distinguished services in academic, political, and financial circles.)


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