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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/09/24 00:18:02 JSTLastUpdate:2020/06/12 22:15:59 JST
TITULO The Shakuhachi (A Manual for Learning) (š)
AUTOR Christopher Yohmei Blasdel, Kamisangoo Yuukoo
EDITORIAL Printed Matter Press
ISBN 978-193360615-6
NOTA (š)(Posee un CD.)(ŸChristopher Yohmei Blasdel (the middle name is the one he received from his teacher, the late Yamaguchi Goroo), came to Japan in 1972 and later completed graduate work in ethnomusicology and became a professional shakuhachi performer himself. He is now considered one of the finest performers on this instrument and those wishing to know why should hear his numerous recordings or read this book. Divided into two sections, there is a complete Lmanual for learningL which starts properly, with the bamboo stalk, goes through Lstructure, handling and care,L to a whole chapter on producing a tone. There are then sections on various registers, on fingering, on ornamentation and on deciphering the traditional cursive notation. Musical examples given in the text (and in the practice exercises) are in both the traditional notation and the standard Western notation, though the focus in this book is on learning to read the Japanese cursive tablature and the stave notation is added as reference. There is also a full history of the instrument, translated and adapted by Blasdel from the work of Kamisangoo Yuukoo, a recognized authority on Japanese Edo Period music. It is difficult to imagine a finer book on the instrument and particularly right is BlasdelLs constant awareness that playing shakuhachi is not merely a matter of dexterity and breath control. He continually stresses the spiritual connections of this instrument and its music, that Lthe shakuhachi still remains a tool that provokes awareness and enlightenment, but in a way appropriate for the times.L[Donald Richie, The Japan Times : Asian Bookshelf]@ŸThe music and musical instruments which are bequeathed to us from earlier ages require a special approach, and recent years have seen more people become aware of the historical legacy of Western European classical instruments. Out of the extended sense of period propriety, the music speaks to us with contemporary immediacy. In this book, one can see the same principle extended to the music of another culture. The history of the shakuhachi is made practical for the present, and, through the detailed instruction guide, one who might not have a direct connection with Japan can appreciate the shakuhachi, one of JapanLs most beautiful instruments.[Christopher Hogwood, Director, Academy of Ancient Music]@ŸThe shakuhachi is rapidly becoming, to use Henry CowellLs term, a universal flute. Unfortunately for most shakuhachi players who do not live in Japan or in a scattering of large cities elsewhere, shakuhachi teachers are by no means universal...yet. Until that does happen, books like LThe Shakuhachi --A Manual for LearningL will be the only option for many would be shakuhachi players. This book however, is unique among the handful of books for the beginner shakuhachi player written in English. It maintains that rare balance between being simple and detailed enough for the absolute beginner and yet thorough and sophisticated enough for the advanced student. This new edition of the book includes a revamped, extremely useful, well thought out, and user-friendly collection of exercises and pieces in both traditional and staff notation, with the appropriate emphasis on the traditional. The book also includes sound recording of these exercises and pieces. ChristopherLs book however, is more than just a Lteach-yourself beginners manualL. Its section on the history of the shakuhachi, including a new chapter appropriately titled LWalking on its OwnL, is one of the most comprehensive and up to date treatments of the subject in English.LThe Shakuhachi --A Manual for LearningL is an essential part of every shakuhachi playerLs library, from absolute beginners to professional performers and teachers.[Dr. Riley Lee, Sydney Conservatorium of Music, Co-founder, Australian Shakuhachi Society])


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