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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/06/20 01:46:33 JSTLastUpdate:2020/03/11 05:29:02 JST
TITULO State and Diplomacy in Early Modern Japan (Asia in the Development of the Tokugawa Bakufu) (š)
AUTOR Ronald P. Toby
EDITORIAL Princeton University Press
ISBN 0-691-05401-0
NOTA (š)(Early modern Japan [1600-1868] is usually characterized as a classic case of LisolationismL, as Japan rejected Christianity in the early seventeenth century, and, along with it, most European relations. Here Ronald P. Toby argues that this isolationism was by no means so complete as traditionally supposed. he demonstrates that the Tokugawa shoguns conducted a foreign policy that established the shogunateLs legitimacy, preserved JapanLs security in an unstable environment, and buttressed her ideological pretensions to centrality in an East Asian order independent of the LChinese world orderLmore familiar to historians. This book provides a fresh view of the place of diplomacy in the evolution of state and ideology in Tokugawa Japan. Prpfessor Toby shows, moreover, that the Japanese response to the West in the nineteenth century was deeply conditioned by this hitherto overlooked indigenous diplomatic tradition and the world view it supported. 2.Ronald P. Toby is Associate Professor of History and Asian Studies at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign.)


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