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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/10/01 03:16:03 JSTLastUpdate:2020/08/20 21:55:33 JST
TITULO Green Politics In Japan (š)
AUTOR Lam Peng-Er
ISBN 0-415-19938-7
NOTA (š)(1.A breakthrough into the political mainstream seems unlikely for JapanLs Green political parties. Increasing concern about the environment has yet to manifest itself in a fashion similar to the rise of Green parties in Europe. In Japan the well-oiled party machines of the established political groupings continue to dominate the social networks that are crucial for electoral success. Lam Peng-Er examines the strengths and organizations of JapanLs LgreenestL party, NET [The Network Movement], as well as the older parties such as the LDP [Liberal Democratic Party] and the JCP [Japan Communist Party]. He looks at the strong grassroots support for the LDP and the JCP, and the ways in which they are able to undermine NET through the adoption of certain Green policies. The ideology, support and sponsors of NET are also closely analyzed, as is the role of women.LGreen Politics In JapanL reveals that urban politics in post-industrial Japan is still dominated by the old parties and the conservative values of hierarchy and deference that bind voters to the likes of the LDP. Lam Peng-Er demonstrates that until such ties and attitudes change, any Green political force in Japan is likely to remain a minor one.@ŸLam Peng-Er is a lecturer in the Department of Political Science, National University of Singapore.@„CONTENTS^@1.Introduction^@2.The Liberal Democratic Party and urban political machines^@3.The Liberal Democratic PartyLs quest for local policy-making party organization^@4.The Japanese Communist Party : organization and resilience^@5.Social movements and the Seikatsu Club^@6.Origins of the Seikatsu Club^@7.Seikatsu Club : ideology and organization^@8.The Network Movement : a Japanese Green party?^@9.The Seikatsu Club and NET : problems and prospects^@10.Conclusion^)


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