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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/10/01 03:21:44 JSTLastUpdate:2020/08/20 22:27:07 JST
TITULO Environmental Politics in Japan (Networks of Power and Protest)(š)
AUTOR Jeffrey Broadbent
EDITORIAL Cambridge University Press
ISBN 0-521-66574-4
NOTA (š)(1.JapanLs rapid industrial development and economic growth in the decades after World War II brought dramatic environmental damage. Japan diverges from the typical story of industrial democracies, however, in the scale and speed with which it was able to reduce air and water pollution, despite the absence of national environmental lobbying groups. As local protest movements grew more vocal in the early 1970s [though they failed to coalesce into effective national lobbying organizations], the Japanese government moved, after some resistance, to regulate industrial pollution. In LEnvironmental Politics in JapanL, Jeffrey Broadbent shows, through a detailed examination of the Japanese political process and its environmental policy outcomes, how social, cultural, and political-economic factors interacted to bring about environmental degradation and eventual partial restoration. BroadbentLs case study of heavy-industry growth and environmental protest in rural Japan illustrates how pro-growth and pro-environment coalitions mobilized and struggled to affect govenment policy at all levels in Japan. His analysis explains why, in the face of that pressure, the Japanese government succeeded in reducing pollution, but failed at solving other important environmental problems, such as dense urbanization and industrial concentration. Drawing on his study, Broadbent presents the first integrated, empirical critique and reconstruction of leading theories on the state, protest movements, the political process, and environmental problem. In so doing, he reforms our understanding of Japanese society and the general relationship between society and the natural environment. 2.Jeffrey Broadbent, University of Minnesota@„CONTENTS^@1.Growth versus the environment in Japan^A LnavelL engagement^A framework for understanding^The growth-environment dilemma^JapanLs miracles and debacles^How did JapanLs pollution miracle come about?^Why the GE dilemma and JapanLs response?^Research site and methods^Summary^@2.Visions and realities of growth^Growth startup^Power to the periphery?^Making the New Industrial City^Polarization over progress^Conclusions^@3.Protest and policy change^Protest and national politics^National and prefectural response^Conclusions^@4.Movement startups^The mobilization process^Early mobilization in Oita^The swelling wave^Reactions to Phase Two^@5.Protest against Landfill No.8^A shocking announcement^The Seki setting^KozakiLs reaction^The Seki Union^The Baba countermovement^Analysis^@6.Under the machine^Political dynamics^The first steps of conflict in Kozaki^Machine politics^The Triple Control Machine^Conclusions^@7.The Governor gives in^Spreading ripples^Widening the front^Stunning victories^Conclusions^@8.Contested consensus^Achieving condition one : LconsensusL^A different path to consensus^Condition two : LnormalizationL^Nishio falls^Conclusions^@9.Pyrrhic victories^The new pollution regime^The national context^Making the assessment^Outcome and aftermath^Conclusions^@10.Power, protest, and political change^Comparative ACID responses to the GE dilemma^The LhowL of JapanLs response^The LwhyL of JapanLs response^Theories of power and protest^Explaining the GE dilemma^)


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