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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/12/22 00:53:12 JSTLastUpdate:2020/10/20 22:45:12 JST
TITULO Broadcasting in Japan (The Twentieth Century Journey from Radio to Multimedia) (š)
AUTOR -----
ISBN 4-9901387-0-8
NOTA (*)(Japan Broadcasting Corporation) (š)(NHKLs predecessor, Tokyo Broadcasting Station, sent its first broadcast over the radio in March 1925. During the three-quarters of a century since then, broadcasting in Japan has made a long journey from the radio-only era to the multimedia present. Today, broadcasting has greatly diversified, including not only terrestrial transmission, but satellite and cable transmission, and now digital technology is making possible the use of numerous channels, high audio and visual quality, and interactivity. In March 2001, to mark the seventy-fifth anniversary of the first broadcast, NHK published its monumental LNijusseiki hoso shi (The History of Broadcasting in the Twentieth Century)L dedicated to recording this rich and multifaceted story. This history, together with a detailed chronology, was researched, written and edited over a five-year period at the NHK Broadcasting Culture Research Institute. The final result is a three-volume, two thousand-page work. The editors were guided by four main objectives :@1.To provide a dynamic account of the way broadcasting has functioned through these decades by documenting the different roles it played as culture evolved and society changed, and how it interacted with the transformations of each era.^@2.To give a broad overview of the history of broadcasting by retelling the story not just of NHK but also of commercial broadcasters, broadcasting in other countries, and the other twentieth-century media, including film, newspapers, and telecommunications.^@3.To study the history of broadcasting from the viewpoint of the audience, demonstrating how people responded to broadcasting and how it affected their lives.^@4.To record the history of broadcasting in such a way that the faces of the people who have devoted their careers to broadcasting are visible, to portray the activities, past and present, of the directors, reporters, and engineers who have created and produced broadcasting, conveying their passion for their work.^@In preparing LBroadcasting in JapanL, the English edition of this history, the content was abridged in some areas and amplified in others, but the same central objectives are followed. The purpose of this volume is to provide a useful resource for readers in other countries who are studying broadcasting in general or have a special interest in the history of broadcasting in Japan.^@As JapanLs only public broadcaster, NHK has worked hard to carry out what it sees as its mission in society : to help ensure the security and welfare of the people, to support the growth of a healthy democracy, and to promote the advancement of culture. At the same time, through its work to promote the establishment of the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union, high definition television, and other activities, it has made an important contribution to the growth and progress of broadcasting in the Asia-Pacific region and elsewhere in the world. In the future as well, with Lopenness and participationL and Lreform and actionL as our guide, NHK will continue to build its partnership with the Japanese people and with the world.^@We sincerely hope that this volume will be of value in the broad field of broadcasting studies and will contribute to the further development of broadcasting in many other parts of the world. [from LPREFACEL by Ebisawa Katsuji, President, NHK, October 2002]¥CONTENTS^@œPART 1 : THE AGE OF RADIO^@1.THE BIRTH AND GROWTH OF RADIO^From Morse Code to the KDKA Radio Station^Birth of Radio Stations in Japan^A Medium for Everyday Life^Broadcasting under Government Control^Amalgamation of Stations and NHK^Independent Coverage of the News^LThereLs the Pitch!L : Live Sports Broadcasts a Hit^Radio News Makes Its Mark^Radio Contracts Pass One Million^LGo! Go! Maehata!L : Coverage of the Berlin Olympic Games^The Muroto Typhoon : Broadcasting in Emergencies^School and International Broadcasting Begin^LItLs Not Too LateL : The February 26th Incident^@2.WARTIME BROADCASTING^Television Development Begins^LThis Is a News FlashL : Outbreak of the Pacific War^LServing the Country through BroadcastingL^Broadcasting a Losing War^JapanLs War Situation Worsens^Tokyo Air Raids and Battle of Okinawa^LKeep Broadcasting!L : The Atomic Bombing in Hiroshima^The Emperor Announces JapanLs Surrender : August 15, 1945^@3.TOWARD THE GOLDEN AGE OF RADIO^Radio in Chaotic Times^Broadcasting Strike^Liberation of the Microphone^Singing, Storytelling, and English Conversation^Satire on Radio^First Broadcasting Reporters^The LThree Radio LawsL^Commercial Broadcasters and the LInvasion of NHK IslandL^Getting Listeners to Move the Dial^Airline Disaster and Intensifying News Competition^The Portable Tape Recorder LDensukeL^Radios Exceed 10 Million^Women Fans and Programs for Children^Radio Coverage of Natural Disasters^@œPART 2 : THE AGE OF TELEVISION^@1.THE ADVENT OF A NEW MEDIUM^Promoting the New Medium in Public Places^Popular Early TV Programs^LI Want To Be a ClamL : Drama Reflecting on War^Broadcasting Landmark : The Imperial Wedding Parade^Rapid Economic Growth and the Spread of Television^Birth of Educational Television^LDawn Over the MountainL and the Japan Prize^@2.TELEVISION TAKES CENTER STAGE^Security Treaty Revision : Television and Politics^Asanuma Assassination : Death on Television^Fireside Chats Japanese-style^Expanding the Scope of News Broadcasting^Fighting Polio and Crime^Documentaries : Japan Unmasked, Non-fiction Theater^Travelogue Programs^New-style Dramas : Serials and the Taiga Drama^The LKohakuL Singing Contest^Music Programs : From Music Variety to Orchestra Hour^The Flowering of LKamigataL Comedy^ChildrenLs Programs : Puppet Theater and Animation^From Radio to Television^The Broadcasters Council for Better Programming^Impact of Self-regulation and Government Pressure^@3.THE SATELLITE ERA^Kennedy Assassination : First TV Satellite Relay^The Tokyo Olympics and Technical Innovation^Launch of the Asian Broadcasting Union^Vietnam : War on Television^The Emergence of Morning News Programs^Afternoon Talk Show Rivalry^Freedom of News Gathering and the Courts^Human Beings Set Foot on the Moon^Radio in the Television Age^@4.ESTABLISHMENT OF COLOR BROADCASTING^Industrial Pollution : The Scars of Economic Growth^Asama Sanso Incident : Live Relay for Over Ten Hours^News Innovation : NC9^New Electronic Technology Revolutionizes TV News^Panic Buying : The Oil Crisis of 1973^Commercial TVLs Response to the Oil Crisis^The Broadcasting Networks : Television-Newspaper Tie-ups^NHK Moves from Uchisaiwaicho to Shibuya^LI DonLt RememberL : Testimonies in the Lockheed Scandal^Long Documentaries and LHome DramasL^@5.TELEVISION COMES OF AGE^Enjoyable Educational Programming^International Popularity : LThe Silk RoadL and LOshinL^Transformation of TV Viewing Styles^Expansion of FM Broadcasting^@œPART 3 : THE MULTIMEDIA AGE^@1.THE BEGINNING OF SATELLITE BROADCASTING^Hi-Vision Broadcasting Begins : The WorldLs First HDTV^From Space Cable Net to Direct Satellite Broadcasting via CS^Deregulation and Legislation for the New Media Age^The Birth of the University of the Air^The Battle of the News Programs^The Crash of JAL Flight 123 : Live Relay via Helicopter^War, Land Price, Education : Issue-raising Specials^All-night Live TV and Radio Programs^Disseminating Information from Japan^@2.BROADCASTING IN TRANSITION^War on TV : Gulf War News^Reporting on Politics : Impartiality and Fairness^The Ethics of Broadcasters under Fire^LTrendy DramasL and NHK Specials^The Kobe Earthquake^The Matsumoto Sarin Incident^The Tokyo Subway Sarin Gas Attack^The TBS Tape Incident : An Ethics Lapse and Murder^BRO Established to Deal with Rights Infringements^Children and Television : Third-party Monitors^The Soaring Costs of Broadcasting Rights^Vision for the Digital Era^The Beginning of the Digital Era^@œAPPENDICES^@Chronology^NHKLs Broadcasting Stations^Presidents of NHK^NHK Reception Contracts^NHK Operating Revenues^Commercial Broadcasters^Operating Income of Terrestrial Commercial Broadcasters^Commercial Broadcasting Television Networks^Presidents of National Association of Commercial Broadcasters in Japan (NAB)^)


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