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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2011/12/22 00:55:39 JSTLastUpdate:2020/06/01 22:02:18 JST
TITULO Broadcasting Politics in Japan (NHK and Television News) (š)
AUTOR Ellis S. Krauss
EDITORIAL Cornell University Press
ISBN 0-8014-3748-2
NOTA (š)(The aftermath of JapanLs 1945 military defeat left its public institutions in a state of deep crisis ; virtually all were seriously damaged or wholly remade by postwar occupation. Between 1960 and 1990, however, these institutions renewed their strength, taking on a legitimacy that erased nearly every trace of their postwar instability. How did this transformation come about? Ellis S. Krauss ponders this question in LBROADCASTING POLITICS IN JAPANL. His answer focuses on the role played by the Japanese mass media and, in particular, by JapanLs national broadcaster, NHK. Since the 1960s, television has been a fixture in the Japanese household, and NHKLs TV news has until very recently been the dominant, and most trusted, source of political information for the Japanese citizen. NHKLs distinctive news style, unlike that of most broadcasting systems in other industrial countries, emphasizes facts over interpretation and gives unusual priority to coverage of the national bureaucracy. Krauss argues that this approach is not simply a reflection of Japanese culture but also a result of NHKLs organization, procedures, and relationship with the state. These factors had profound effects on the stateLs postwar re-legitimization, whereas commercial networks, which have recently challenged NHK, have helped engender the wave of cynicism currently facing the state. Krauss guides the reader through the complex interactions among politics, media organizations, and Japanese journalism to demonstrate how NHK television news became a shaper of JapanLs political world, rather than simply a lens through which to view it.@ŸEllis S. Krauss is a Professor in the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies at the University of California, San Diego.)


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