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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/06/27 00:03:30 JSTLastUpdate:2020/05/03 04:20:48 JST
TITULO The Ink-Smeared Lady (and Other Kyogen) (š)
AUTOR (trans. by Shio Sakanishi)
ISBN -----
NOTA (š)(LTO-0061L es mismo libro.) (Interspersed between the stately, slower-paced dance dramas of JapanLs Noh theater are the delightful comic plays or interludes known as Kyogen. These brief plays evolved from the bawdy skits that were rousingly enjoyed by the plebeian populaces of the cities in feudal Japan some hundreds of years ago when Noh itself was a pastime and entertainment exclusively reserved for the aristocracy. Today they still provide delightful relief from the sustained and concentrated action of the Noh play that has changed very little throughout the centuries. Among the various forms of classical Japanese drama, the flamboyant action and brilliant coloring of Kabuki has perhaps enabled it to be the most easily understood ; and the Noh, in a number of excellent translations, has become widely known for its poetic beauty. But the Kyogen, equally deserving of attention, have remained relatively unknown. Only now, with this new edition of Miss SakanishiLs excellent translations, are they at last readily available to the Western reader. For the actual Western theater-goer in Japan, these translations are invaluable as aids to understanding and appreciating the comic, sometimes outrageous, situations in which the protagonists so often find themselves involved. For those who are interested in the plays from a purely literary point of view, they may well prove to be as charming as the ancient Greek comedies ; at the same time they also provide an insight into the life and times of feudal Japan. In both form and spirit these translations are accurate renderings of the originals and convey to the reader the qualities of earthiness, spontaneity, and good humor that are inherent in all authentic folk drama.@ŸShio Sakanishi was born in Tokyo and attended the Japan WomenLs College before she went to the United States in 1922. While there she was on the staff of the Library of Congress and also published translations of works by several Japanese authors. Now living in Japan, she is a prominent literary critic, lecturer, and commentator.@„CONTENTS : KYOGEN, THE COMIC INTERLUDES --1.The Ink-smeared Lady, 2.The Ribs and the Cover, 3.Buaku, 4.A Bag of Tangerines, 5.The Fox Mound, 6.The Letter LIL, 7.The Magic Mallet of the Devil, 8.Gargoyle, 9.The Bird-catcher in Hades, 10.The Melon Thief, 11.Mr. Dumbtaro, 12.Busu, 13.Literate Highwaymen, 14.The Deva King, 15.An Unfair Exchange, 16.The Seed of Hoojoo, 17.Plop! Click!, 18.The AuntLs Sake, 19.The Bag of Parting, 20.The Wounded Highwayman, 21.The Family Quarrel, 22.Thunder God)


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