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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2012/06/17 03:00:20 JSTLastUpdate:2018/06/18 09:03:18 JST
TITULO The Legends of Tono (š)
AUTOR Kunio Yanagita (*)
EDITORIAL The Japan Foundation
ISBN -----
NOTA (*)(trans. by Ronald A. Morse)(š)"CL-0009" es mismo libro. Perhaps best known as the founder of the scientific study of folklore in Japan, Kunio Yanagita [1875-1962] was aldo a gifted writer and influential scholar. LThe Legends of TonoL, which he published in 1910, is probably the most widely read of YanagitaLs many works, and is considered a classic of both Japanese folklore and literature. Commenting on the significance of this work in the history of Japanese folklore studies Professor Richard M.Dorson, an eminent American authority on world folklore, writes in his Foreword : LAll the more welcome therefore is the present translation of YanagitaLs first folklore work, Lthe Tono monogatariL, which opened his eyes and ears to the living abundance of the Japanese oral tradition, and caught the fancy of his countrymen. In presenting the legendary tales of Kyooseki Sasaki, the educated son of a peasant household, Yanagita had tapped the most vigorous stream of Japanese storytelling, Lthe densetsuL, or local legend, more intimately bound with village daily life and thought than the fictional LmukashibanashiL or fairy tale. The Tono monogatari takes its place with the LKinder-und HausmarchenL of the brothers Grimm as a landmark collection in the history of folklore studies opening the way for subsequent collecting forays that have now become commonplace endeavors... In making LThe Legends of TonoL available in English translation Ronald Morse, the perceptive biographer of Yanagita-sensei, has placed Asian and folklore scholars in his debt. It deserves a wide and attentive audience outside its own country to match the readership it has rightfully earned at home.L)


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