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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/06/27 05:13:27 JSTLastUpdate:2020/04/24 00:49:40 JST
TITULO The Puppet Theatre of Japan (★)
AUTOR A.C. Scott
ISBN 0-8048-1116-4
NOTA [文楽] (★)(The puppet theatres of the East and the West can hardly be compared. The large, beautiful, stringless dolls of Japan, manipulated by up to three puppeteers (in full view), and best known to Westerners through the current tours of Bunraku troupes, occupy a high place in adult theatre, at one time having been more popular than the renowned Kabuki. The live Kabuki drama, in fact, owes many of its plays and often even the postures and gestures of its actors, much of its makeup techniques and costume styling to the older puppet theatre. While bookshelves are well stocked with works detailing the history and plays of the Kabuki, there have been few books to present detailed background information on the equally interesting puppet theatre. A.C. Scott has not only filled this gap with a clear and enjoyable presentation of the history of the drama, the background of the puppeteers, musicians, and narrators, but has also summarized ten popular plays. ´The Puppet Theatre of Japan´ is a long-needed, highly readable book for theatregoers and admirers of Japanese arts. ◆Through his authorship of several fine books on the theatre of the East, A.C. Scott has established himself in this field of ever increasing interest. English by birth, and a graduate of the Royal College of Art, London, Mr. Scott has spent many years in the Orient, concentrating his study especially on the theatre of Japan and China. His two years in Japan found him traveling to Awaji, Osaka, and other places where he might get first-hand information on the puppet drama, including many hours spent backstage. Mr. Scott is now a member of the Department of Speech, University of Wisconsin.)


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