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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2012/06/21 02:19:45 JSTLastUpdate:2016/10/25 23:44:40 JST
TITULO The Tales of The Soga Brothers (*)(š)
AUTOR (trans. by Thomas J. Cogan)
EDITORIAL University of Tokyo Press
ISBN 4-13-087050-5
NOTA (*)"CL-0036" es casi mismo libro. Ver "CL-0036" para saber mas. (š)(LThe Tale of the Soga BrothersLis the story of two brothers and their lifelong quest to avenge the death of their father. Goroo and Juuroo were three and five when their father was murdered in a dispute over the inheritance of family lands, and for seventeen years, the brothers plotted their revenge before finally bringing honor to their family by slaying their enemy. The tale is based on actual events that occurred in the twelfth century. Before being put into its ultimate written form in the fifteenth century, it was recounted throughout the country by traveling proselytizers and entertainers, who added generous portions of intrigue, adventure, bravado, and even romance, and interspersed Indian and Chinese tales and Buddhist parables. As the heroes embody the values central to medieval warrior society -self-sacrifice, filial piety, duty, courage, and tenacity- the tale has been immensely popular for centuries. It also became a major source of themes and motifs for literary and dramatic forms ; the two brothers figure more prominently in subsequent plays and stories than any other historical figure, with the exception of Minamoto Yoshitsune.LThe Tale of the Soga BrothersLis a work of considerable importance in the history of Japanese literature, and is a valuable document for the study of medieval warrior society, its ideals, customs, and beliefs.)


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