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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/06/27 05:45:31 JSTLastUpdate:2020/03/26 01:35:43 JST
TITULO Mask and Sword (Two Plays for the Contemporary Japanese Theater)(š)
AUTOR Yamazaki Masakazu
EDITORIAL University of Tokyo Press
ISBN 3093-87381-5149 (UTP Number)
NOTA (š)(In these two works by contemporary Japanese playwright Yamazaki Masakazu, potent figures from JapanLs past illuminate the psychological and philosophical concerns of the twentieth century. Translated here in full are LZeami (1963)L, based on the lofe of the great master of the Noo theater, and LSanetomo (1973)L, the hero of which is the Kamakura general and poet. Reflecting the significant achievements of LshingekiL --the modern theater of Japan that also embraces such talented authors as Abe Kooboo, Betsuyasu Minoru, and Mishima Yukio-- these two plays are a continuation of the tradition that arose in Japan at the beginning of the century when the plays of Ibsen inspired a new generation to write in the Western style. In both LZeamiL and LSanetomoL the conflict between vocation and self-identity provides the basis for a philosophical discussion that touches on many of the most vital currents in twentieth-century thought. In Zeami, Yamazaki explores the tension between the renowned playwrightLs dedication to his art and the demands made upon him by family and the royal court he served. In Sanetomo art once again represents the inner self in conflict with society, here seen in the life of the powerful Shoogun who was also a visionary and a poet. The translation by J. Thomas Rimer includes both an introduction which discusses the plays, placing them in their specific historical contexts, and an interview with Yamazaki in which the author speaks of his life, work, and the course of Japanese drama over the past decades. Ambitiously philosophical and written in a powerful style, the plays made available to English-speaking readers in Mask ans Sword combine the power of traditional Japanese culture and the heritage of Western philosophy to probe questions of art, personality, and will.)


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