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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/06/27 05:54:06 JSTLastUpdate:2017/03/18 03:01:04 JST
TITULO Kabuki (Backstage, Onstage : An ActorLs Life) (š)
AUTOR Matazo Nakamura
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 0-87011-985-0
NOTA (š)(1.The world thatLKabuki Backstage, OnstageLdescribes is closed to most Japanese, as well as to foreigners. It is a world inhabited by people capable of both reverence for tradition and passion for the unpredictable excitement of the stage. This shadowy world remains largely remote from contemporary Japanese society, although its links to modern performing arts are becoming stronger every year. The book is unique in its explanation of kabukiLs stagecraft by reference to the backstage society -the clannish, conservative, but immensely dynamic life of the kabuki dynasties. Matazo is the only actor of his generation to have entered this world from the outside, from a normal life completely unrelated to kabuki. His acting life has been spent reconciling the two aspects of kabuki- backstage and onstage. From the specific questions Matazo had to answer to be admitted to the rank of a major actor, to his opinions of kabuki-inspired experimental theater in West Berlin ; from his discussion of the popular culture that gave rise to kabuki in JapanLs feudal age, to his explanation of the skills of the female impersonator and the roles of ghosts and superheroes, the book is an enjoyable and insightful overview of what many see as the worldLs most esoteric performing art. Matazo has also spent his acting life attempting to demystify kabuki -taking his kabuki workshops into the classroom and onto television, and assisting in the teaching of a government-supported training course for kabuki actors that is outside the traditional actor/apprentice system. This book is MatazoLs personal testament to the spirit of kabuki, and to its future. 2.Nakamura Matazo was born Ito Susumu in Tokyo in 1933. He graduated from TokyoLs Sophia University in 1958 and began his career as a kabuki actor by attending the workshops of well-known actors Bando Mitsugoro and Nakamura Matagoro. He joined the Harima-ya line of actors in 1968, taking the name Matazo. Since then, in addition to his work on stage, he has been active in the setting up and teaching of the first formal kabuki training program, as well as giving workshops in North and South America, Europe, and Southeast Asia. His second book on kabuki was published in Japan in 1989.)


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