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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page Print Page
Created: 2010/06/27 11:47:41 JSTLastUpdate:2021/04/19 21:55:46 JST
TITULO Kyoto Woodcuts (š)
AUTOR Naoko Matsubara
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 0-87011-334-8
NOTA (š)(¼Œ´’¼ŽqE‹ž“s”ʼnæW)(Kyoto has many faces. JapanLs imperial capital until 1868, its name even now is synonymous with that countryLs art and civilization. Besides being a gigantic open-air museum of art and architecture, it is also a place of pilgrimage for religious contemplation, a treasure-house of Japanese antiques and traditional arts and crafts, a modern center of commerce and communications, and above all a lively place to live for its million and a half residents. LKyoto WoodcutsL presents all these aspects, interpreted by one of the cityLs most gifted daughters.^@Naoko Matsubara is an internationally renowned woodblock artist whose works hang in such distinguished settings as the White House, the United Nations, the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and ViennaLs Albertina Collection. In her woodcuts, she often portrays the sights she has encountered in her travels around the world, like the compelling portrait of Boston she created in 1970 in LBoston ImpressionsL. Here she turns to BostonLs sister city, Kyoto, where she grew up, the daughter of a Shinto priest at Kenkun Shrine.^@The cityLs shrines and temples are prominently featured, but Matsubara gives equal emphasis to KyotoLs cultural role. The Kabuki theater and geisha dancing, Noo drama and rollicking street festivals are all splendidly brought to life by her bold lines and her exquisitely Japanese sense of color. The pictures are complemented by the perceptive text of Bunsho Jugaku, an authority on handmade Japanese paper, and each volume contains one original print on one hundred percent mulberry (kozo) paper.^@Those who already know Kyoto will find their memories enhanced. For those who have yet to experience it, a sensitive artist here captures all the vigor and grace of one of the worldLs most remarkable cities.)


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