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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/06/27 11:57:22 JSTLastUpdate:2021/01/26 22:26:49 JST
TITULO Contemporary Japanese Style Painting (š)
AUTOR Tanio Nakamura
EDITORIAL Tokyo International Publishers
ISBN 78-94757 (Library of Congress Catalog Card Number)
NOTA (š)(Modern painting has two distinct meanings in Japan. While painting in the Western mode is the accepted and most widely current idiom, painting in the Japanese tradition --Japanese-style painting-- has seen a unique development in the last three-quarters of a century.^@Still little known to the West, modern Japanese-style painting partakes of the same traditions of materials and pigments, brush techniques and styles that have made JapanLs historical art internationally treasured --yet has become a vital form of modern and individual expression in a manner never conceived by the great figures of JapanLs art history.^@The warmth and color of the ancient Lyamato-eL, the crisp, assertive definition and line of the Kanoo school, the introspective sensitivity of the literati style and the expansive virtuosity of the Maruyama-Shijoo school --all these elements of JapanLs art legacy have been synthesized to create a new world of beauty that is just beginning to be appreciated.^@In the modern international art world, where abstraction has become a common denominator, too often without the support of technique, discipline or creative idea, modern Japanese-style painting perhaps points a way and reveals insights that will have meaning both to the art connoisseur and to the artist in the West.^@ŸTanio Nakamura is well-known in Japan as an art historian, critic, and teacher. Born in 1921, the son of the artist Gakuryoo Nakamura, whose works are represented in this book, he was educated at Keio University, where he majored in Japanese history.^@For more than twenty years, he has been deputy curator of the Painting Section of the Tokyo National Museum. In addition to his association with the Museum, he also writes, lectures, and plays an important role in the Japanese Section of the Association of International Art Critics.^@His other books include LThe Beauty of Japanese Ink PaintingL, LSesshuL, LNational Treasures of Japan : PaintingL, and LJapanese-Style Painting in the Meiji Period.L^@¥LIST OF PLATES^@œTomioka Tessai^@œYokoyama Taikan^@œHishida Shunsoo^@œTakeuchi Seihoo^@œUemura Shooen^@œKobayashi Kokei^@œKawai Gyokudoo^@œKaburagi Kiyokata^@œYasuda Yukihiko^@œMaeda Seison^@œOkumura Dogyuu^@œImamura Shikoo^@œMurakami Kagaku^@œTsuchida Bakusen^@œHayami Gyoshuu^@œFukuda Heihachiroo^@œNakamura Gakuryoo^@œYamaguchi Hooshun^@œTokuoka Shinsen^@œHigashiyama Kaii^@œSugiyama Yasushi^@œHashimoto Meiji^)


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