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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/06/27 12:02:03 JSTLastUpdate:2021/01/22 23:26:48 JST
TITULO The Delicate Thread : TeshigaharaLs Life in Art (š)
AUTOR Dore Ashton
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 4-7700-1826-6
NOTA (š)(’ºŽg‰ÍŒ´G‚Ì¢ŠE)(Painter, filmmaker, potter, calligrapher, ikebana master, designer, and impresario --Teshigahara is an artist in the fullest sense of the word. In Dore AshtonLs sparkling account of TeshigaharaLs life and work, the artist shines as a seminal figure who has vaulted boundaries between the arts in a quest for new ways to express creativity. No discussion of postwar Japanese visual or cinematic arts can be complete without him.^@It was perhaps inevitable that TeshigaharaLs life in art would be a quest for resolution : between past and present, inherited and avant-garde forms, Japanese tradition and Western innovation. As the son of the multi-talented artist and ikebana master Soofuu, Teshigahara grew up with an acute consciousness of Japanese art history. Yet he reached maturity in the wake of World War II, and his artistic consciousness was forged in that crucible of intellectual and artistic energies where, with young talents like Kooboo Abe and Segi Shinichi, he sought to rebuild a Japanese identity from the ashes of defeat.^@His first medium was film --one of the few artistic domains unexplored by his father. The young Teshigahara established his name with documentaries, historical dramas, and adaptations of AbeLs novels, most notably LThe Woman in the DunesL. During the 1960s he was the driving force behind TokyoLs alternative performance center, Soogetsu Hall. In the 1970s he broke new ground again, establishing a pottery at Echizen, only to succeed to the head of the Soofuu ikebana school upon his fatherLs death. With typical exuberance, Teshigahara has extended ikebana art to embrace bamboo and create applications for set design and installation. Meanwhile he continues his forays into other media.^@Drawing on extensive firsthand and published sources, Dore Ashton traces the eclectic influences on Teshigahara. She clearly sets off the dynamic tensions at play in TeshigaharaLs work, and pays particular attention to his contemporaries --essential given the artistLs collaborative spirit. LThe Delicate ThreadL is a fitting tribute to an exceptional artistic personality and a fine biography in its own right.^@ŸDore Ashton is a professor of art history at the Cooper Union and has curated exhibitions for museums in the United States and abroad. She is the author of more than twenty-five books, including LNoguchi : East and WestL, LA Fable of Modern ArtL, LA Critical Study of Philip GustonL, LAbout RothkoL, and LPoets and the PastL, a number of which have been translated into French, Spanish, and Italian. Ashton lives in New York City.)


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