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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2013/06/07 23:36:13 JSTLastUpdate:2021/03/18 00:20:26 JST
TITULO Glimpses of unfamiliar JAPAN ()
AUTOR Lafcadio Hearn
ISBN 978-4-8053-1025-0
NOTA ()(mʓ{̖ʉe)(LGlimpses of Unfamiliar JapanLcombines two volumes of a work that first appeared in 1894. Here are the customs, the superstitions, the charming scenery, the revelations of Japanese character, and all the other elements that Lafcadio Hearn found so bewitching. here, for example, are essays on such subjects as the Japanese garden, the household shrine, the festivals, and the bewildering Japanese smile -all aspects of Japanese life that have endured in spite of the changes that have taken place during the modernization of Japan. In a word, the Japanese character and the Japanese tradition are still fundamentally the same as Hearn found them to be, and for this reason his writing is still extremely revealing to modern readers. This edition also contains a new foreword by noted writer and examiner of Japanese culture Donald Richie that puts Lafcadio Hearn and his classic works into perspective for readers just discovering HearnLs writing for the first time.^@Lafcadio Hearn [1850-1904] first arrived in Japan in 1890, where he worked for an English newspaper and taught in various schools. In 1896, he began teaching English literature at Tokyo Imperial University, a position he held until 1903, and at Waseda University. HearnLs most famous work is a collection of lectures entitledLJapan : An Attempt at Interpretation [published posthumously in 1905]L.^@TABLE OF CONTENTS^@1.My First Day in the Orient@2.The Writing of Kooboodaishi@3.Jizoo@4.A Pilgrimage To Enshima@5.At the Market of the Dead@6.Bon-Odori@7.The Chief City of the Province of the Gods@8.Kitzuki : The Most Ancient Shrine in Japan@9.In the Cave of the ChildrenLs Ghosts@10.At Mionoseki@11.Notes on Kitzuki@12.At Hinomisaki@13.Shinjuu@14.Yaegaki-Jinja@15.Kitsune@16.In a Japanese Garden@17.The Household Shrink@18.Of WomenLs Hair@19.From the Diary of an English Teacher@20.Two Strange Festivals@21.By the Japanese Sea@22.Of a Dancing-Girl@23.From Hooki to Oki@24.Of Souls@25.Of Ghosts and Goblins@26.The Japanese Smile@27.Sayoonara!^)


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