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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/06/28 10:47:22 JSTLastUpdate:2022/11/09 00:29:14 JST
TITULO A Dictionary of Japanese Particles (Ăɂ͎T) ()
AUTOR Sue A. Kawashima
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 4-7700-2352-9
NOTA ()(LDIC-0088L y LDIC-0100L son mismos libros.^@For English-speaking students of Japanese, particles are perhaps the most difficult aspect of the language to learn. It would be no exaggeration to say that, for most people, they can never be completely mastered. Thus, the study of particles is a lifetime undertaking, and students need a lifelong companion to help them along the way. That companion is LA Dictionary of Japanese ParticlesL.^@Covering over 100 particles in alphabetical order, the dictionary explains the meanings of each (most have more than one) and gives sample sentences for each meaning. Illustrations are provided where necessary for clarification. There are also exercises at the back of the book for those who wish to test their knowledge of particle usage. Apprendices and endpaper charts are provided for easy access.^@LA Dictionary of Japanese ParticlesL is an essential reference work, meant to be used over the years as students continue to confront puzzling particles.^@Sue A. Kawashima received BA (Cum Laude) and MA degrees from Columbia University and is now a lecturer in Japanese language at Hunter College of the City University of New York.)


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