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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2016/10/18 22:31:10 JSTLastUpdate:2016/10/19 00:04:00 JST
TITULO The Genius of Japanese Carpentry (Secrets of an Ancient Craft)(*)(š)
AUTOR Azby Brown
ISBN 978-4-8053-1276-6
NOTA (*)(Este libro es la version modificada deLSA-33LyLSA-34L.) (š)(Over 1,200 years ago in the ancient Japanese capital of Nara, anonymous carpenters erected a number of intricately designed timber temples and pagodas for a new Buddhist monastery known as Yakushiji. Then, as now, these buildings were considered marvels of architectural elegance and traditional Japanese craftsmanship. One of the ancient pagodas still stands, testimony to the great skill and dedication of its ancient builders. The same skills and dedication are very much in evidence today in the work of modern-day Japanese master carpenters who combine the timeless past with the living present in their everyday lives. Constructed in the eighth century and subject over time to the depredations of fire and warfare, the Yakushiji monastery has been undergoing extensive reconstruction that sees it now almost fully restored to its original appearance. Newly constructed buildings have been erected employing the original methods, architectural styles, and much the same woodworking technology as their predecessors. Author Azby Brown spent years at the site, at the side of the master builders. In addition to the authorLs photographs and text documenting the entire construction process, this book is remarkable for the authorLs set of original drawings based on the plans of Japanese master carpenter Tsunekazu Nishioka. Drawing on extensive interviews and conversations with the carpenters and woodworkers involved in the project, the author also provides valuable insights into Buddhist temples in general, the personal philosophy of temple carpenters, and the taditional Japanese crafts of woodworking and carpentry. 2.Azby Brown, a native of New Orleans, Louisiana, is the director of KIT Future Design Institute in Tokyo. he studied architecture and sculpture at Yale College, graduating in 1980, and entered the Department of Architecture at the University of Tokyo in 1985 under a grant from the Japanese Ministry of Education. He received his MasterLs degree in 1988, completed his PhD research in 1995, and became an associate professor of architectural design at the Kanazawa Institute of Technology in 1995. He is the author of LJust EnoughL,LSmall SpacesL,LThe Japanese Dream HouseL, andLThe Very Small HomeL.)


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