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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/07/04 01:07:14 JSTLastUpdate:2020/10/29 02:17:40 JST
TITULO Science and Technology in Japan (š)
AUTOR Alun M. Anderson
ISBN 0-582-90015-8
NOTA (š)(LScience and Technology in JapanL charts the major research programmes now underway in Japan and provides a detailed directory of the research institutes, universities and industrial companies where they are being carried out. The book is the first to describe comprehensively all of JapanLs major government-industry cooperative research projects and the attempts being made to stimulate basic research.@^In introductory chapters the strengths and weaknesses of Japanese technology and its historical development are discussed, and the political system and key national bodies involved in science policy decision making are described. The background necessary to understand JapanLs scientific and technological position is completed with chapters on government science policy, the ministries and major science programmes ; education and academic research ; and industrial research and development.@^Separate chapters are then devoted to detailing the work of the major research institutes in the fields of agriculture ; biotechnology, medicine and life sciences ; energy (nuclear and non-nuclear) ; aerospace, aviation and railways ; electronics ; industrial research and development ; earthquake and disaster prevention, environmental protection and earth sciences ; marine science and technology ; and defence. Learned and professional societies and associations, Tsukuba science city, information sources and international cooperation in science and technology are also described.@ŸAlun M. Anderson is editor of the News and Views section of LNatureL. He spent two years at Kyoto University on a fellowship provided by the Royal Society from 1976-1978 and has recently returned to Japan as the Tokyo correspondent of Nature. Before going to Kyoto University he was IBM Research Fellow at Wolfson College, Oxford.@¥CONTENTS^@œ1.JAPAN : THE ISLANDS and ITS PEOPLE^@Introduction^Geography and climate^Population^Society^The eight main regions^@œ2.SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN JAPAN^@Introduction^Measuring JapanLs strength in science and technology^Postwar development of science and technology^The future^The ministries and their budgets^@œ3.SCIENCE and GOVERNMENT^@The government of Japan^The highest level of science and technology policy decision making^@œ4.GOVERNMENT SCIENCE POLICIES, THE MINISTRIES AND MAJOR SCIENCE PROGRAMMES^@Introduction^Council for Science and Technology (CST)^Science and Technology Agency (STA)^Policies of the Science and Technology Agency^Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)^Policies of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry^Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (MESC)^Ministry of Health and Welfare^Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries^Ministry of Transport^Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications^Ministry of Construction^Ministry of Home Affairs^Ministry of Labour^National Police Agency^Research Development Corporation^@œ5.EDUCATION, THE UNIVERSITIES and ACADEMIC RESEARCH^@The education system^The universities^University science and the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture^National, public and private universities^Research in other universities^University of Tsukuba^National Research Institutes for Joint Use by Universities^Research in academic institutes^@œ6.INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH and DEVELOPMENT^@Introduction^Industrial research and development expenditure^Government and industry^Universities and industry^Structure of Japanese industry^Central research laboratories and research corporations^Research and development in some industrial companies^@œ7.AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY^@Introduction^Agricultural policy^Forestry^Research and development in agriculture^Agricultural research in government institutes^@œ8.MEDICINE, LIFE SCIENCES and BIOTECHNOLOGY^@Medicine : introduction^Medical research in the universities^Medical research in government institutes^Medical electronics^Biotechnology and the life sciences : introduction^Research and development expenditure^Science and Technology Agency biotechnology programmes^MITILs Lnext generation industrial technologyL biotechnology project^MITI biomass project^Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries projects^Life science and biotechnology research institutes^@œ9.ENERGY^@Introduction^Nuclear energy^Nuclear energy research and development^Government nuclear energy research institutes^Energy research institutes at universities Nuclear^Non-nuclear energy programmes : Sunshine project^Non-nuclear energy programmes : New Energy Development Organization (NEDO)^Non-nuclear energy programmes : Moonlight project^Other power generation research and development projects^Research and development in the oil industry^@œ10.AEROSPACE, AVIATION and RAILWAYS^@Aerospace^Aviation^Railways^@œ11.ELECTRONICS^@Introduction^JapanLs electronics industry^Large-scale government-subsidized electronics research projects^Research in electronics^Industrial robots and robotics^@œ12.INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH and DEVELOPMENT^@Agency of Industrial Science and Technology^Research programmes of the Agency of Industrial Science and Technology^Basic technologies for next generation industries^Government industrial research institutes^Industrial and technical research institutes at universities^@œ13.EARTHQUAKE and DISASTER PREVENTION, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION and EARTH SCIENCES^@Earthquakes and disaster prevention^Protection of the environment^Earth sciences^@œ14.MARINE SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY^@Introduction^Major areas of development^Japan Marine Science and Technology Centre^Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo^Development of biological resources^Ship Research Institute^Port and Harbour Research Institute^@œ15.DEFENCE^@Introduction^Self-defence forces and defence policy^Military research and development in government^Military research and development in industry^@œ16.LEARNED and PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES and ASSOCIATIONS^@Academic and technical Societies^Japan Academy^Japan Society for the Promotion of Science^@œ17.TSUKUBA SCIENCE CITY^@Tsukuba LExpo 85L^@œ18.SCIENTIFIC and TECHNICAL INFORMATION SOURCES^@Introduction^National Diet Library^Academic libraries^Japan Information Centre of Science and Technology^Science Information Processing Centre, University of Tsukuba^Nomura Research Institute of Technology and Economics^National Science Museum^@œ19.INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC and TECHNOLOGICAL COOPERATION^@Introduction^Principal international agreements^Future of cooperation in science and technology^Institute for Transfer of Industrial Technology^Japan International Cooperation Agency^Special projects^@œAPPENDIX : DIRECTORY OF MAJOR RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENTS^@National universities^Prefectural and municipal universities^Private universities^National research institutes for joint use by universities^University research institutes^Government research institutes^Private companies and corporations^Electronics companies^Independent research institutes^)


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