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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/07/04 10:41:31 JSTLastUpdate:2020/09/23 22:04:57 JST
TITULO Consensus Management in Japanese Industry (Its Principles and Practices)(š)
AUTOR Yoshiaki Shimabukuro
ISBN 4-900389-01-3
NOTA (š)(˜JŽg‡ˆÓŒˆ’è‚ÌŒo‰cŠw)(This book examines the characteristics and problems of the growth and development of Japanese industry. It was undertaken with the following purposes in mind :@1.To afford Japanese and foreign scholars with a true understanding of Japanese-style management.^@2.To provide a textbook for the educational training of middle managers of Japanese manufacturers and commercial companies, written in English particularly for educational use by overseas personnel.^@3.To present a special editing arrangement that can be used as a seminar textbook in business education in universities and business schools.^@This book has received the Nippon Administrative Management Association Award for outstanding work in the field of business management. [from LPREFACEL, April 1982, Dr.Yoshiaki Shimabukuro]@ŸYoshiaki Shimabukuro, Ph.D., is Professor of Business Management at Toyo University. Dr. Shimabukuro is also on the Executive Council of Japan Society for the Study of Business Management. He is the author of LJoint Labor-Management DeterminationL and of numerous articles.@¥CONTENTS^@œCHAPTER 1^The Value in Studying Business Management Practices in Japan@œCHAPTER 2^Characteristics of Business Management and Joint Labor-Management Determination@œCHAPTER 3^Consensus Management in Wage Determination@œCHAPTER 4^The Special Characteristics of Japanese-Style Labor-Management Consultation Systems and the Problems Thereof@œCHAPTER 5^Democratization of Management and WorkersL Management Participation@œCHAPTER 6^The Business Administration of Consensus Management^)


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