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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/07/04 10:54:40 JSTLastUpdate:2020/09/23 22:26:05 JST
TITULO Toward Industrial Democracy (Management and Workers in Modern Japan) (š)
AUTOR Kunio Odaka
EDITORIAL Harvard University Press
ISBN 0-674-89816-8
NOTA (š)(Kunio Odaka is JapanLs leading labor sociologist. In this study he discusses the complex attitudes of Japanese workers toward management, unions, work, and leisure. The results of his scholarly surveys indicate a trend toward the democratization of Japanese industrial management. In part, the book is a presentation of Mr. OdakaLs belief in the necessity for greater worker participation in the decisions that affect their working lives, a belief that is indeed radical in the Japanese setting.@ŸKunio Odaka is Professor Emeritus at the University of Tokyo and Professor of Economics at Sophia University, Tokyo.@¥CONTENTS^@œONE^Traditionalism and Democracy in Japanese Industry@œTWO^Technological Innovation and Human Problems@œTHREE^The Younger Generation in the Era of Automation@œFOUR^Workers on Their Allegiance to Union and Company@œFIVE^Workers Think of Their Work and Leisure@œSIX^A Program for WorkersL Participation in Management^)


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