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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/07/04 11:00:28 JSTLastUpdate:2019/02/06 04:50:58 JST
TITULO Workers and Employers in Japan (The Japanese Employment Relations System) (š)
AUTOR Kazuo Okochi, Bernard Karsh, etc.
EDITORIAL University of Tokyo Press
ISBN 3036-57035-5149 (UTP)
NOTA (š)(Although Japan has ranked as one of the few industrial nations of the world for more than half a century and has achieved phenomenal economic development that is recognized worldwide, few systematic and comprehensive studies in foreign languages have been done on her industrial experience, particularly the evolution of industrial relations. This book, which presents mainly the work of JapanLs own experts rather than foreign observers, aims at correcting the paucity of foreign-language analyses of Japanese industrial relations. It depicts the essential institutional and structural elements of the system by which men are managed in Japan, focusing primarily on the modern sector of the economy. Divided into four broad categories, the thirteen chapters by eleven of JapanLs best scholars and two Americans in the field cover (1)the context, particularly the economic, political, social, and legal arrangements, from which industrialization proceeded, (2)the rule-makers, rule making, and participants in the system, and the progress of the interaction among them, (3)the substantive rules and their administration at the plant and public agency levels, and (4)an overview of the system compared to the Western system. ¥Chapter 1`The Concept of a National Industrial Relations System, B. Karsh and S.B. Levine ¥Chapter 2`The Emergence of Modern Japan, Mikio Sumiya ¥Chapter 3`Contemporary Arrangements : An Overview, Mikio Sumiya ¥Chapter 4`The Legal Framework : Past and Present, Toru Ariizumi ¥Chapter 5`The Labor Market, Shojiro Ujihara ¥Chapter 6`Management and their Organizations, Hideaki Okamoto ¥Chapter 7`Workers and Their Organizations, Hisashi Kawada ¥Chpter 8`Collective Bargaining, Taishiro Shirai ¥Chapter 9`Labor Disputes, Wakao Fujita ¥Chapter 10`The Industrial Reward System : Wages and Benefits, Naomichi Funahashi ¥Chapter 11`Personnel Administration at the Industrial Plant Level, Masumi Tsuda ¥Chapter 12`Social Security for Workers, Takeshi Takahashi ¥Chapter 13`The Japanese Industrial Relations System : A Summary, K. Okochi, B. Karsh, and S.B. Levine)


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