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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/07/04 11:02:08 JSTLastUpdate:2020/09/10 01:23:23 JST
TITULO The Japanese Employee ()
AUTOR Robert J. Ballon
EDITORIAL Sophia University (in cooperation with The Charles E. Tuttle Company)
ISBN 75-99980 (Library of Congress Catalog Card Number)
NOTA ()(Do Japanese employees differ from their counterparts all over the rest of the world? If they do --and many seem to think so-- does the difference have any momentous economic significance? In two previous books, Professor Ballon and his collaborators explored the mechanics of Japanese business practices and the intricacies of joint ventures. Now they turn their attention to that indispensable human element in any economic enterprise, the worker. All aspects of JapanLs past industrial achievement cannot be fully understood until one becomes familiar with the people who form the core of this countryLs economic effort. Foreign businessmen interested in promoting smoother personnel relations within their companies here in Japan, as well as anyone concerned with the function of employees in the business organism, will welcome the many helpful insights to be found in this book.@Born in Belgium, Robert J. Ballon first came to Japan in 1948. Since that time he has concentrated his professional scholarly interest upon Japanese labor-management relations. Currently Director of Finance and Professor of Labor Relations at Sophia University, he is also Director of the International Management Development Seminars regularly sponsored by the Socio-Economic Institute of the University.@CONTENTS^@PART I.INTRODUCING THE JAPANESE EMPLOYEE^Chapter one : The Japanese dimensions of industrial enterprise (Robert J. Ballon)^Chapter two : Motivational forces in Japanese life (Maurice Bairy)^@PART II.EMPLOYMENT IN JAPAN^Chapter three : Participative employment (Robert J. Ballon)^Chapter four : The Japanese executive (Herbert Glazer)^Chapter five : Organizational change (James C. Abegglen)^@PART III.REMUNERATION OF THE JAPANESE EMPLOYEE^Chapter six : Lifelong remuneration system (Robert J. Ballon)^Chapter seven : Labor cost accounting (Iwao Tomita)^Chapter eight : Private pension plans (Motoshi Isomura)^@PART IV.JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS^Chapter nine : The labor movement (Paul Timothy Chang)^Chapter ten : Enterprise unionism and wage increases (Makoto Sakurabayashi)^Chapter eleven : Labor disputes and their settlement (Tadashi Hanami)^@PART V.FOREIGN MANAGEMENT AND JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT^Chapter twelve : Personnel management in foreign corporations (Ryokichi Hirono)^)


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