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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2018/09/27 00:31:54 JSTLastUpdate:2018/09/30 04:27:22 JST
TITULO Edo Japan Encounters the World (Conversations Between Donald Keene and Shiba Ryotaro)(★)
AUTOR (Translated by Tony Gonzalez)
ISBN 978-4-86658-018-0
NOTA (★)([(英文版)世界のなかの日本 十六世紀まで遡って見る「ドナルド・キーン著作集第九巻世界のなかの日本文化」所収] 1.´Edo Japan Encounters the World´ continues the conversation, begun nearly twenty years earlier in ´The People and Culture of Japan,´ between scholar of Japanese literature Donald Keene and historical novelist Shiba Ryotaro. In discussions that took place in Osaka and Kyoto from 1989 to 1990, these two penetrating and original observers of Japanese culture turn their attention to the long peace of the Edo period [1603-1868], when Japan developed in relative isolation from outside influence. From analysis of literary masters like Basho and Chikamatsu to critiques of the repressive aspects of Edo life, their exchanges bring much insight to this often romanticized period of Japanese history. 2.Donald Keene was born in New York in 1922. He graduated from Columbia University in 1942 and immediately entered the Navy Japanese Language School. He served as a translator and interpreter during World War II. Afterwards, he obtained a doctoral degree from Columbia. He first taught at Cambridge University in 1948-53. He spent 1953-55 at Kyoto University, then became a professor at Columbia in 1955. Since then, he has published over 50 books related to Japan´s literature and culture in Japanese and English. He received Japan´s Order of Culture in 2008. 3.Shiba Ryotaro was born in Osaka in 1923, and graduated from the Mongolian department at the Osaka Foreign Language School. In 1960, while working as a newspaper reporter, he received the Naoki Prize for his first novel ´Fukuroo no shiro [Castle of Owls]´, after which he became a full-time novelist. He has received many other awards, including the Japan Art Academy´s Imperial Award, for his many historical works such as ´Kuukai no fuukei [Kuukai the Universal : Scenes from his Life].´ He received the Order of Culture in 1993. Other main works include ´Ryooma ga yuku [Ryooma Goes his Way]´,´Kaidoo o yuku [On the Highway]´,´Kono kuni no katachi [The Form of Our Country]´, and ´Saka no ue no kumo [Clouds above the Hill : A Historical Novel of the Russo-Japanese War].´ He died in February 1996.)


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