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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2018/09/27 04:57:36 JSTLastUpdate:2018/10/15 02:51:48 JST
TITULO Contemporary Japanese Architects (Profiles in Design)(★)
AUTOR Igarashi Taro (*)
ISBN 978-4-86658-021-0
NOTA (*)(Translated by David Noble、五十嵐太郎)(★)([(英文版)現代建築家列伝−社会といかに関わってきたか] 1.Architects play an essential role in contemporary society, helping to shape the environment in which we live and work. This book explores how architects in Japan have responded to the demands of their times and how they continue to engage with new economic realities and the shifting global order. The moving image of Japanese society is reflected in the work of the architects profiled in this book : from the generation rising from the ashes of postwar Japan, through the postwar economic boom, to the generation that quietly gathered strength during the recession of the 1970s ; from the generation that debuted in the bubble economy of the 1980s to the generation that began their work after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and the collapse of the bubble economy ; and finally, after decades of economic stagnation, to the generation that has come to the fore since the early twenty-first century. Contemporary Japanese architects have pioneered developments in sustainability and introduced engineering innovations that have changed not only the look of modern buildings but the ways in which they can be constructed. Japanese design concepts, realized in major public buildings around the world, communicate with a global audience and contribute toward shaping our shared future. 2.Igarashi Taro, architectural historian and critic, was born in 1967 in Paris. After graduating from the Department of Architecture in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Tokyo, he received a master´s degree and a doctorate [in engineering] from the same institution. He is now a professor in the Graduate School of Engineering at Tohoku University. He served as commissioner for the Japan Pavilion at the Venice Biennale of Architecture in 2008 and artistic director of the Aichi Triennale in 2013. Publications include ´Kenchiku wa ika ni shakai to kairo o tsunagu no ka [How Does Architecture Connect with Society? (Sairyuusha, 2010)]´ ; ´Shinpen : Shin shuukyoo to kyodai kenchiku [New Edition : The New Religions nad Monumental Architecture (Chikuma Shoboo, 2007)]´ ; ´Gendai kenchiku ni kansuru 16-shoo [Sixteen Chapters on Contemporary Architecture (Kodansha, 2006)]´ ; ´Gendai kenchiku no paasupekutibu [Perspectives on Contemporary Architecture (Koobunsha, 2005)]´ ; ´Kaboobi toshi [The Overprotected City (Chuuookooron-Shinsha, 2004)]´ ; and ´Sensoo to kenchiku [War and Architecture (Shoobunsha, 2003)]´. He has also been a contributing editor for a number of books, including ´Yankii bunkaron josetsu [An Introduction to Yankee Culture (Kawade Shoboo Shinsha, 2009)]´ and ´Mienai shinsai [Invisible Earthquakes (Misuzu Shoboo, 2006)]´.)


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