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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2018/09/27 05:05:06 JSTLastUpdate:2018/10/01 00:59:54 JST
TITULO Mutsu Munemitsu and His Time (★)
AUTOR Okazaki Hisahiko (*)
ISBN 978-4-86658-025-8
NOTA (*)(Translated by Noda Makito、岡崎久彦)(★)([(英文版)陸奥宗光とその時代] 1.Toward the end of the Tokugawa shogunate, Mutsu Munemitsu was ousted from his home Kishuu-han as a result of his father´s defeat in a power struggle. To avenge this, Mutsu bolstered his talent to become a man of ´genius and learning in equal measure.´ He joined the Kobe Naval Training Center founded by Katsu Kaishuu and, later, Kaientai, a trading and shipping company and private navy founded and managed by Sakamoto Ryooma before the Meiji Restoration was accomplished. During the Meiji era, Mutsu fully exercised his extraordinary ability, including working to revise unequal treaties with Western powers as foreign minister. In his last days, he scrambled to end the First Sino-Japanese War ; his efforts resulted in the signing of the Treaty of Shimonoseki with favorable terms for Japan. Mutsu also helped Japan ride out the subsequent wave of the Tripartite Intervention from Russia, France, and Germany. This book´s author, a career diplomat himself, traces the footsteps of modern Japan´s diplomacy by reviewing the philosophical and political journey of this extraordinary diplomat who protected the dignity of Japan as a modern nation throughout his professional life. 2.Okazaki Hisahiko entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1952. He was appointed the first director-general of the Information Analysis, Reserch and Planning Bureau in 1984 and served as ambassador to Saudi Arabia and Thailand before retiring in 1992. He was the director of the Okazaki Institute until his death in 2014.)


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