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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/07/05 10:15:56 JSTLastUpdate:2021/07/13 00:30:06 JST
TITULO Sanshiro (š)
AUTOR Natsume Soseki
EDITORIAL University of Tokyo Press
ISBN 0093-87254-5149 (UTP Number)
NOTA (š)(Titulo original : ŽOŽl˜Y[Sanshiroo]^@Translated and with a critical essay by Jay Rubin^@While the works of Natsume Soseki, the great Meiji-era novelist, continue to enjoy wide recognition and popularity in Japan, they are still poorly represented in English. Now available for the first time in English translation is SosekiLs 1908 work, LSanshiroL, a perennial best seller in Japan.^@LSanshiroL, a product of SosekiLs early maturity as a writer, presents issues and characters that are as alive today as they were in the Japan of SosekiLs day. The protagonist, a young man of twenty-three, innocently and uncomprehendingly experiences for the first time the shadowy, ceaselessly moving Lreal worldL of Tokyo and the University --a world where a young manLs future is never more than an illusion. In the subtle tension between our appreciation of SosekiLs lively humor and our awareness of SanshiroLs doomed innocence, the novel comes to life.^@Jay RubinLs translation of LSanshiroL is accurate and engaging while retaining fidelity of language and style with the original. He includes with the translation an extended study of LSanshiroL and its place among SosekiLs works. This examination, which illustrates consistent elements in the symbolic language in all of SosekiLs novels, is the first of it kind to appear in English. Students of world literature and especially of Japanese literature will welcome this translation of LSanshiroL. In addition, the panorama of late Meiji-era Tokyo presented in the book will be of interest to historians.^@ŸJay Rubin is associate professor of Japanese literature at the University of Washington.)


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