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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/07/05 10:26:11 JSTLastUpdate:2021/02/05 22:47:04 JST
TITULO The Twilight Years (š)
AUTOR Sawako Ariyoshi
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 4-7700-1177-6
NOTA (š)(Translated by Mildred Tahara)(Titulo original : œ’›‚Ìl [Kookotsu no hito, 1972]^@AriyoshiLs ability to focus on social problems and to make them vividly real has won her a vast readership in her own country.^@LThe Twilight YearsL, which examines the problem of caring for the elderly in a modern industrial society, caused a sensation when it was published in Japan. It tells the story of the Tachibanas, an average family living in a Tokyo suburb, who, after the sudden death of the husbandLs mother, are faced with the care of his aged father, Shigezo. The task of looking after the old man falls chiefly on his daughter-in-law Akiko, who is herself a working woman. With quiet courage that often borders on desperation, she tries to support his struggle for independent survival.^@Ariyoshi charts the effects of ShigezoLs gradual decline and the events leading up to his death with a cool precision that masks deep sympathy for the plight of the aged and their relatives. By concentrating on the details of one familyLs everyday life and on an ordinary housewifeLs responses to often unbearable pressures, she has created a novel that, while universal in its significance, has the poignancy and emotional force of first-hand experience.^@ŸSawako Ariyoshi was born in 1931 in Wakayama City. As a student developed a deep interest in the theater, both modern drama and traditional Kabuki, and her own plays are widely performed in Japan. Many of her novels have also been adapted for the stage, the cinema, and television.^@Ariyoshi first rose to prominence in the 1950s as a writer of short stories, but has since built an impressive reputation as a novelist dealing with crucial social issues. Among her themes have been the problems faced by women in the traditional Japanese household (LHanaoka seishuu no tsuma,L1961, translated as LThe DoctorLs WifeL), racial segregation in the United States,(LHishoku,L1964), and environmental pollution (LFukugoo osen,L1975). HerL Kookotsu no hito (The Twilight Years)L was published in 1972 and sold over a million copies in less than a year ; and she has recently published her first mystery novel.^@Translations of her books have appeared throughout the world and include a French translation of LThe DoctorLs WifeL, which was a best-seller in France in 1981 ; LThe River KiL ; LThe Twilight YearsL ; and LHer Highness Princess KazuL, awarded the prestigious Mainichi Cultural Prize in 1979.^@Mildred Tahara is Associate Professor of Japanese Literature at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Her publications include LTales of Yamato (University of Hawaii Press, 1980)L and translations of three Ariyoshi works : LThe River KiL, LThe Twilight YearsL, and LHer Highness Princess KazuL.)


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