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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/07/05 10:28:53 JSTLastUpdate:2018/08/21 04:05:10 JST
TITULO Requiem (š)
AUTOR Shizuko Go (*)
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 4-7700-1216-0
NOTA (*)(Translated by Geraldine Harcourt) (š)(Titulo original : Rekuiemu [‚ê‚­‚¢‚¦‚Þ, 1973] 1.LIt was darker with her eyes open.L Sixteen-year-old Setsuko has been a passionate believer in JapanLs war effort, putting her heart into letters to frontline soldiers and doing munitions work with such dedication that she sacrifices her health. At the same time, she is the only girl in the school to befriend Naomi, the free-spirited daughter of an imprisoned opponent of the war. Naomi regrets she cannot be more like Setsuko the model student ; Setsuko admires her plucky younger friend as she is ; and their shared diary is a lively counterpoint of divided loyalties, fervor and skepticism, grief and hope. As the reality of war inexorably overwhelms these two young lives, SetsukoLs world is indeed Ldarker with her eyes open.L After the August 1945 surrender -the ultimate disillusionment- she lies alone in a makeshift air-raid shelter while tender memories of those she has lost and a questioning conscience light the way to death. Author Shizuko Go was SetsukoLs age in 1945, but it was not until 1972 that she wrote this intensely moving and thoughtful requiem for the Lmilitary nation girls.L Its appeal against militarism is all the more powerful because voiced by one who, as a child, embraced the war as her own. Few novels of the home front have so imaginatively transformed a chronicle of suffering into a search for meaning that has far-reaching implications for women and men in every country. LRequiemL. Shizuko GoLs first published work, was awarded the Akutagawa Prize. 2.Shizuko Go [‹½ÃŽq] was born in Yokohama in 1929. She graduated from Tsurumi Higher School for Girls and, between recurrences of tuberculosis which continued until her late twenties, attended the Nihon Bungaku Gakko [a left-wing writersL school] and took part in the Troika literary group led by writer Hiroshi Noma, a pacifist imprisoned during the war. Marriage and raising two sons postponed her writing debut until 1972, when the first part of LRequiemL appeared in a Yokohama Llittle magazineL and the completed work was published in the literary review Bungakukai, receiving the prestigious Akutagawa Prize the following year. Go has since published several volumes of essays and short stories, including LChiisana Umi to Sora [1975]L,LWatashi no Yokohama [1982]L, and LOnna no Ikikata [1982]L. Shizuko Go [whose real name is Michiko Yamaguchi] lives in Yokohama with her husband and her parents.)


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