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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/07/05 10:31:22 JSTLastUpdate:2021/03/07 02:28:11 JST
TITULO Child of Fortune (š)
AUTOR Yuko Tsushima
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 4-7700-1040-0
NOTA (š)(’Ó‡—CŽq, Translated by Geraldine Harcourt)(Titulo original : Chooji [’žŽ™, 1978]^@By conventional Japanese standards, Kooko Mizuno is an abysmal failure as woman, wife, and mother -and she couldnLt care less. She has succeeded in remaining true to herself in a stubborn struggle against powerful conformist pressures. Yet her resistance is largely passive.^@Self-absorbed, indecisive, she makes her own uncharted way through life, letting her husband, lovers, even her only daughter, gradually slip away.^@Signs that she is pregnant after a casual affair rouse her to make decisions. Then a deeply ironic turn of events thrust her into the cold light of a reluctant self-knowledge.^@Through layer upon layer of dreams, memories, defenses, and delusions, she emerges finally to take a conscious step toward the independence she cannot yet define, certain only that she herself has changed.^@In LChild of FortuneL, Yuko Tsushima has brought to life a woman whose psychological complexity reflects the meeting of Japanese fiction and womenLs changing consciousness. The depths of inner conflict are illuminated here by radiant imagery, wry humor, and a sharp clarity of vision. While drawing on the LI-novelL tradition that has dominated modern Japanese literature, the author integrates the autobiographical elements into a fully realized fictional work of penetrating social insight. The novel received the 1978 WomenLs Literature Prize, one of many awards that have spotlighted Yuko Tsushima as a writer of exceptional gifts.^@ŸYuko Tsushima was born in 1947, the daughter of novelist Osamu Dazai, author of LThe Setting SunL and LNo Longer HumanL, who commited suicide in 1948. While still in her senior year at university she published her first short story, and her reputation as one of JapanLs most remarkable young writers is based largely on works of short fiction. Nine volumes of her short stories have appeared to date ; they include LMugura no Haha [1974]L,LWaga Chichitachi [1975]L,LLKusa no Fushido [1977]L,LHikari no Ryoobun [1979]L, and LSuifu [1982]L. In addition, she has published three full-length novels -LChooji [1978]L,LMoeru Kaze [1980]L, and LYama o Hashiru OnnaL. Both LChoojiL and LYama o Hashiru Onna [1980]L were awarded major literary prizes. Yuko Tsushima lives in Tokyo with her two children.)


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