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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2019/06/09 02:32:00 JSTLastUpdate:2019/06/09 02:32:00 JST
TITULO Japanese Employment and Labor Law (š)
AUTOR Kazuo Sugeno
EDITORIAL Carolina Academic Press & University of Tokyo Press
ISBN 0-89089-611-9
NOTA (š)(LLX-0029L es mismo libro. The present volume updates the first edition of the English-language translation of Professor SugenoLs treatise LRoodoohooL published over ten years ago under the title Japanese Labor Law. Approximately half its contents consists of new material, i.e., material that was not contained in the earlier English-language edition. The earlier translation was of the second Japanese-language edition. Thereafter --as a result of major changes in Japanese legislation, case law and administrative rulings-- third, fourth and fifth Japanese editions were published. The present translation is of the fifth Japanese edition, published in Japan on April 15, 1999, the two additional supplements that appeared there on April 15, 2000 and April 15, 2001, respectively, and of additional material Professor Sugeno wrote for this English-language edition. To convey its contents more accurately, it is now called LJapanese Employment and Labor Law.L This updated edition examines important new developments that have occurred in Japan since the earlier translation in the field of Llabor lawL, i.e. the area of collective labor relations. These encompass such matters as union organization, strikes, lockouts, boycotts, collective bargaining, unfair labor practices and the like. At the same time, the present volume reflects even more extensive changes that have taken place in the realm of individual labor relations (or what, in the United States, is called Lemployment law.L) Thus, it contains important discussions of the major changes that have occurred since the earlier edition with regard to sex discrimination in employment, workersL compensation, flexible working schedules, tentative hiring decisions, minimum wages, maximum hours, and occupational health and safety, among many other areas. With the same blend of astute economic and legal analysis he displayed in the earlier edition, Professor Sugeno examines these latter subjects in the Lemployment lawL(or Lindividual labor relationsL) part of the treatise, and the Llabor lawL developments in the extensive sections on collective labor relations. ŸKazuo Sugeno is Dean and Professor of Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo. He has served for more than fifteen years as a mediator and adjudicator of labor disputes on the Tokyo Labor Relations Commission and, at present, the Central Labor Relations Commission. He has also participated in and chaired various Advisory Councils in the Ministry of Welfare and Labor and other governmental bodies for the formation and implementation of new labor and social policies. He had served as special researcher of the Japan Institute of Labor and contributed to the promotion of comparative study of industrial relations --and is the executive member representing Japan in the International Society for Labor Law and Social Security. His comprehensive study of Japanese employment and labor law,LRoodoohooL, translated here, has been the standard work for the legal profession, business, labor, government and academia in Japan since its initial publication in 1985. In addition to this treatise and his numerous articles on employment and labor law, he has published a book,LKoyoo shakai no Hoo (Japanese Employment System and Law)L in 1996, describing the interplay between the employment system and law in Japanese industrial relations.)


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