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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/07/10 00:24:20 JSTLastUpdate:2018/06/03 02:21:04 JST
TITULO Paradise In The Sea of Sorrow (Our Minamata Disease) (š)
AUTOR Ishimure Michiko (*)
EDITORIAL Yamaguchi Publishing House
ISBN 4-8411-0803-3
NOTA (*)(Ζ´—瓹ŽqAtranslated by Livia Monnet) (š)(1.LParadise in the Sea of Sorrow : Our Minamata DiseaseL [Kugai joodo : Waga Minamata-byooA‹êŠCò“y@‚킪…–“•a] is a chronicle of the early history of Minamata Disease which has become a classic of contemporary Japanese literature. Part imaginative biography, part mystical confession, part investigative journalism and part historical document, LKugai joodoL transcends established literary genres to create a new form. What has become known as Minamata Disease is a neurological disorder caused by poisoning which occurred by ingestion of fish and shellfish polluted by methylmercury. The source of the poisoning was Chisso CorporationLs Minamata plant, which discharged highly toxic wastewater from its production of acetaldehyde into the Shiranui [Yatsushiro] Sea in western Kyushu from 1932 to 1968. This wastewater contained not only methylmercury but also poisonous metals such as thallium and manganese. Though published twenty years ago at the height of the Japanese anti-pollution struggle, Kugai joodo still speaks to us with an urgency and power we cannot ignore. Its popularity in Japan is attested to by numerous adaptations in various media and genres, ranging from TV documentaries and Noh-style dramas to musical compositions. 2.Ishimure Michiko is best known in Japan for her trilogy LKugai joodo [Paradise in the Sea of Sorrow], Part I published in 1969, Part III in 1974, Part II still unfinishedL, which tells the story of Minamata Disease from its discovery in 1956 to the verdict in the first trial concerning the Disease in 1973, and for her leading role in the Minamata movement. A recipient of national and international awards such as the PhilippinesL Ramon Magsaysay Prize, Ishimure is also the author of two beautiful childhood memoirs,LTsubaki no umi no ki [Story of the Sea of Camellias, 1976]L and LAyatori no ki [CatLs Cradle, 1983]L, and a novel,LOen yugyoo [OenLs Travels, 1984]L exploring womenLs shamanistic and prophetic powers. Like many of IshimureLs essays, especially those collected in LHi no kanashimi [The Sadness of the Sun, 1986]L and LChichi no Shio [The Milk from the Breast of the Sea, 1988]L these works show a powerful feminist commitment. The strength of IshimureLs prose lies in her unique poetic imagination and above all in her transformation of the Minamata and Amakusa dialects into a new, beautifully lyrical poetic idiom.)


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