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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/07/10 00:33:37 JSTLastUpdate:2017/02/11 00:23:30 JST
TITULO Tales of The Spring Rain (š)
AUTOR Ueda Akinari (*)
EDITORIAL The Japan Foundation
ISBN -----
NOTA (*)Translated by Barry Jackman (š)(Written and revised in the last years of his life, Ueda AkinariLs LHarusame MonogatarimTales of the Spring RainnL first saw publication in the present century, and this volume represents its first appearance in English. Akinari is best known as the author of LUgetsu MonogatarimTales of Moonlight and RainnL, long regarded as one of the finest achievements of late Edo Period fiction. LHarusame MonogatariLwas written thirty years later, at a different stage of the authorLs life, and should be read when considering the development of AkinariLs style and philosophy. Due to illness and misfortunes in his later years, these stories reflect AkinariLs position as an observer of human activities. he shows himself as a man of strong opinions, as skeptical and, at times, sardonic. His unadorned, direct, rather colloquial prose style inLHarusame MonogatariL stands in contrast to the ornate language and fantastic happenings of LUgetsu MonogatariL. The sources are almost exclusively Japanese, whenever the tales are not original with Akinari. Looking at the stories individually, Mr.Jackman introduces each tale with comments that are a guide to what are some of AkinariLs finest achievements in the realm of storytelling.)


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