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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2020/04/09 03:03:36 JSTLastUpdate:2020/04/12 02:15:58 JST
TITULO God´s Boat (★)
AUTOR Kaori Ekuni (*)
EDITORIAL Thames River Press
ISBN 978-0-85728-249-1
NOTA (*)(Translated by Chikako Kobayashi) (★)(江国香織[1964-], Titulo original : 神様のボート [Kamisama no boto, 1999], Yoko teaches piano during the day, works at a bar at night and dreams of her disappeared lover every minute. Her ten-year-old daughter Soko, born out of this brief passionate affair that has marked Yoko for ever, lives around her mother´s constant yearning, as Yoko´s desperate search for the elusive man of her dreams means moving house more times than either of them can remember. The two travel through life on what Yoko calls ´God´s boat,´ in a journey through the rituals of everyday life, while beyond them lie the madness of love and the raw grief of loss. ◆Kaori Ekuni is a fiction writer and 2004 winner of the prestigious Naoki Prize for literature. Chikako Kobayashi is a freelance translator currently working in Tokyo.)


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