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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2020/04/09 03:06:40 JSTLastUpdate:2020/04/12 02:29:07 JST
TITULO A Thousand Strands of Black Hair (★)
AUTOR Seiko Tanabe (*)
EDITORIAL Thames River Press
ISBN 978-0-85728-246-0
NOTA (*)(Translated by Meredith McKinney) (★)(田辺聖子[1928-2019], Titulo original : 千すじの黒髪-わが愛の与謝野晶子 [Chisuji no kurokami, 1972], Exploring in detail the life and work of one of Japan´s most famous and most controversial woman writers, this book examines and re-imagines the turbulent and intertwined lives of Akiko Yosano (1878-1942) and Tekkan Yosano (1873-1935), two poets who sparked a revolution in the world of Japanese tanka (short-verse classical poetry). Using documentary sources and the poets´ work, along with her own storytelling, the author reveals their passionate and at times tormented relationship in order to evoke the intimate details of their lives, together and apart. ◆Seiko Tanabe is a fiction writer and the winner of the Akutagawa Prize for her 1964 novel ´Senchmentaru jani (Sentimental Journey)´. Meredith McKinney is currently a visiting fellow at the Australian National University, and works as a freelance translator.)


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