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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2020/04/09 03:22:54 JSTLastUpdate:2020/04/12 04:39:15 JST
TITULO In Pursuit of Lavender (š)
AUTOR Akiko Itoyama (*)
EDITORIAL Anthem Press
ISBN 978-0-85728-046-6
NOTA (*)(Translated by Charles De Wolf) (š)(ãNŽRHŽq[1966-], Titulo original : “¦–S‚­‚»‚½‚킯 [Tooboo kuso tawake, 2005], Hanada is 21 and fluent in the Hakata dialect of northern Kyushu. Nagoyan is a 24-year-old company employee suffering from depression who insists that he is a native of Tokyo, though he is actually from Nagoya. This strange pair, just escaped from their Hakata hospital, struggle with the mental crises that constantly assault them as they head southward in a junky car, picking destinations at whim as they sightsee, quarrel and yearn for the fragrance of lavender.@ŸAkiko Itoyama is a Japanese writer and winner of the Bungakukai New Face Award (2003), the Kawabata Yasunari Prize (2004) and the 134th Akutagawa Prize (2005). Charles De Wolf is a writer, linguist, and translator of Japanese literature, both classical and modern.)


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