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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2020/04/09 03:44:03 JSTLastUpdate:2020/04/12 05:37:36 JST
TITULO Building Waves (š)
AUTOR Taeko Tomioka (*)
EDITORIAL Dalkey Archive Press
ISBN 978-1-56478-715-6
NOTA (*)(Translated by Louise Heal Kawai) (š)(•x‰ª‘½ŒbŽq[1935-], Titulo original : ”g‚¤‚“y’n [Namiutsu tochi, 1983], It is the early eighties, and the housing industry is booming. Previously unpopulated mountainous areas of the Japanese countryside are being leveled to accommodate new waves of people. Similarly, a new wave of feminism, particularly a change in attitudes toward marriage and child-rearing, is growing among the women of Japan. Both the physical and social landscapes are in flux. In her early forties, married, and childless by choice, Kyoko has no compunction about getting what she wants. But when she begins a relationship with a man who is as traditional and conformist as they come, the result is at times uncomfortable, at others comical, but ultimately fatal. Beautifully written by Taeko Tomioka, a renowned poet,LBuilding WavesL is often comic in tone, but always touching in its portrayal of a culture divided and ultimately swept away by ferocious waves of change.@ŸTaeko Tomioka gained recognition as a poet before turning to screenwriting, fiction, and essays. A prominent feminist writer, her work often questions the traditional roles of women and men in Japanese society. She was one of the screenwriters for the acclaimed film LDouble SuicideL, and several of her short stories have appeared in English translation in LThe Funeral of a Giraffe.L Louise Heal Kawai holds an MA in Advanced Japanese Studies from the University of Sheffield. Originally from Manchester, England, she has lived in Nagoya, Japan, for about 20 years, teaching English language and literature. Her literary translations include short stories by Tamaki Daido and Taeko Kono as well as Shoko TendoLs best-selling autobiography,LYakuza Moon.L)


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