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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2020/04/09 03:50:11 JSTLastUpdate:2020/04/13 00:52:43 JST
TITULO The Shadow of a Blue Cat (š)
AUTOR Naoyuki Ii (*)
EDITORIAL Dalkey Archive Press
ISBN 978-1-56478-641-8
NOTA (*)(Translated by Wayne P. Lammers) (š)(ˆÉˆä’¼s[1953-], Titulo original : ”L‰Æ‘°çx“]˜^ [Aoneko kazoku tentenroku, 2006], Businessman Yuki Yajima is fifty-one years old. He and his wife, Asako, are the parents of two daughters : Ryo, seventeen, and Yuka, an infant of only two months. Asking himself why heLs allowed himself to become a father again at his age, Yuki begins to remember his uncle, who died quite young --younger, indeed, than Yuki is now. Thinking of this man, whom the young Yuki idolized, and who first introduced the boy to authors like Kenzaburo Oe and the Marquis de Sade, serves as a strange tipping point : allowing a sense of chaos and complexity back into his otherwise well-heeled life. A rare work of fiction focused simply on a man of integrity, LThe Shadow of a Blue CatL meticulously renders his life and opinions as Yuki tries to find a middle path between the radicalism of his uncleLs life and the quiet bourgeois home heLs worked so hard to build.@ŸAfter graduating from Keio University, Naoyuki Ii made his debut in 1983 with LKusa no kanmuri (The Grass Radical)L, which won the Gunzo Prize for New Writers. His other award-winning works include LSashite juyo de nai ichinichi (A Day of Little Importance, 1989),LShinka no tokei (Evolution Clock, 1993), and LNigotta gekiryu ni kakaru hashi (Bridge Over a Muddy Torrent, 2000)L. LThe Shadow of a Blue Cat (2006)L is his first novel to appear in English. Wayne P. Lammers has won two awards as well as an NEA Translation Grant for his translations, which include Junzo ShonoLs LStill Life and Other StoriesL and LEvening CloudsL, Mitsuyo KakutaLs LWoman on the Other ShoreL, and Aska MochizukiLs LSpinning TropicsL.)


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