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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2020/04/09 03:57:30 JSTLastUpdate:2020/04/13 01:49:00 JST
TITULO Laughing Wolf (š)
AUTOR Tsushima Yuuko (*)
EDITORIAL Center for Japanese Studies, The University of Michigan
ISBN 978-1-929280-69-8
NOTA (*)(Translated by Dennis Washburn) (š)(’Ó‡—CŽq[1947-2016], Titulo original : Î‚¢ƒIƒIƒJƒ~ [Warai ookami, 2000],@ŸTsushima Yuuko is the pen name of Tsushima Satoko, an acclaimed contemporary Japanese fiction writer, essayist, and critic. Her accolades include : the Noma Prize for New Writers in 1979, the Kawabata Prize in 1983 for her short story LDanmari ichi (The Silent Traders)L, the Tanizaki and Noma Prizes in 1998 for her novel LHi no yama --yamazaruki (Mountain of Fire : Account of a Wild Monkey)L, and the Osaragi Jiro Prize in 2001 for this novel. Dennis Washburn is the Jane and Raphael Bernstein Professor in Asian Studies at Dartmouth College. Among his numerous works, the Center for Japanese Studies at the University of Michigan has also published LStudies in Modern Japanese Literature : Essays and Translations in Honor of Edwin McClellan (edited with Alan Tansman, 1997)L,LThe Shade of BlossomsL by Oooka Shoohei (translator, 1998), LShanghaiL by Yokomitsu Riichi (translator, 2001), and LA Wife in MusashinoL by Oooka Shoohei (translator, 2004).)


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