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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2020/04/09 04:20:22 JSTLastUpdate:2020/04/16 00:51:51 JST
TITULO Belka, Why Don´t You Bark? (★)
AUTOR Hideo Furukawa (*)
ISBN 978-1-4215-4937-8
NOTA (*)(Translated by Michael Emmerich) (★)(古川日出男[1966-], Titulo original : ベルカ、吠えないのか?[Beruka, hoenainoka?, 2005], In 1943, when Japanese troops retreat from the Aleutian island of Kiska, they leave behind four military dogs. One of them dies in isolation, and the others are taken under the protection of US troops. Meanwhile, in the USSR, a KGB military dog handler kidnaps the daughter of a Japanese yakuza. Named after the Russian astronaut dog Strelka, the girl develops a psychic connection with canines. In this multigenerational epic as seen through the eyes of man´s best friend, the dogs who are used as mere tools for the benefit of humankind gradually discover their true selves and learn something about humanity as well. ◆Hideo Furukawa was born in Fukushima in 1966. He dropped out of Waseda University´s literature program. He was nominated for the Naoki Prize with ´Belka, Why Don´t You Bark?´ in 2005 and won the Mishima Yukio Prize with ´Love´ in 2006. Furukawa has been active in giving readings as an expression of literature and has collaborated beyond the genre of fiction in fields including music, art and dance.)


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