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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2020/04/19 03:19:54 JSTLastUpdate:2020/04/19 03:26:27 JST
TITULO Shame in the Blood (š)
AUTOR Tetsuo Miura (*)
EDITORIAL Shoemaker Hoard
ISBN 978-1-59376-171-4
NOTA (*)(ŽO‰Y“N˜Y, trans. by Andrew Driver) (š)(Titulo original : Shinobugawa [”E‚Ôì], LNI-0559L es mismo libro. Scarred by the death or disappearance of so many members of his family, the unnamed narrator of LShame in the Blood [Shinobugawa]L is tormented by the fear that his blood is cursed. Then he meets Shino, a beautiful waitress who serves him hot sake and captures his heart. ShinoLs appearance in his life, and their subsequent marriage, offers the possibility that he might finally overcome his Lcursed blood.L Told as six related and layered stories, the book builds and deepens, using particulars of everyday life to provide a moving testimony to the power of love, youth, and commitment -a testimony that rings all the more true for being tinged with melancholic knowledge that love itself is a Llittle death.L Considered one of the finest love stories in modern Japanese literature,LShame in the BloodL sold more than a million copies when first published in Japan, won the Akutagawa Prize for Literature, and was made into a feature film directed by Obayashi Nobuhiko. Working in the great tradition of Japanese novelists from Soseki to Kawabata, from Mishima to Abe, Miura takes his place as one of the greatest Japanese writers of our times.@ŸTetsuo Miura was born in 1931 in Aomori, Japan. His awards include the Akutagawa Prize for Literature, the Noma Literary Prize, the Japan Literature Grand Prize, the Osaragi Jiro Prize, and the Kawabata Prize. LShame in the BloodL is the authorLs first book translated into English.)


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