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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2020/04/19 04:29:53 JSTLastUpdate:2020/04/19 04:33:50 JST
TITULO The Case of the Sharaku Murders (š)
AUTOR Katsuhiko Takahashi (*)
EDITORIAL Thames River Press
ISBN 978-0-85728-129-6
NOTA *)(Translated by Ian MacDonald) (š)(‚‹´Ž•F [1947-], LNI-0026L es mismo libro. Titulo original : ŽÊŠyŽElŽ–Œ [Sharaku satsujin jiken, 1986] 1.When the body of Saga Atsushi, JapanLs preeminent connoisseur of ukiyo-e [woodblock prints], is pulled from the ocean off the coast of Tohoku, having apparently committed suicide, the shocked Japanese art world turns out to mourn his death. Among them is Ryohei, an up-and-coming young ukiyo-e scholar and research assistant to SagaLs colleague-turned-rival, Professor Nishijima. But a chance encounter with an old friend makes Ryohei wonder if there might be more to SagaLs death than meets the eye... Uncover murder and mystery in the art world in this Edogawa Rampo Prize-winning novel.@ŸKatsuhiko Takahashi is an award-winning Japanese novelist whose accolades include the Edogawa Rampo Prize forLSharaku satsujin jiken [The Case of the Sharaku Murders]L, the Yoshikawa Eiji Prize for New Writers forLSoumon dani [The Soumon Valley]L, the Naoki Prize forLAkai kioku [The Scarlet Memories]L and the Yoshikawa Eiji Prize for Literature forLKa en [Flaming Rancour]L. He has also written works in a wide range of genres including action romance, historical fiction, horror and mystery.)


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