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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2020/04/20 01:43:37 JSTLastUpdate:2020/04/20 01:47:38 JST
TITULO Wasabi for Breakfast (š)
AUTOR Foumiko Kometani (*)
EDITORIAL Dalkey Archive Press
ISBN 978-1-56478-864-1
NOTA (*)(Translated by Mary Goebel Noguchi) (š)(LNI-0031L es mismo libro. •Ä’J‚Ó‚ÝŽq[1930-] Titulo original : ƒtƒ@ƒ~ƒŠ[ƒrƒWƒlƒX[famirii bijinesu, 1998] This book collects two novellas by the noted Japanese painter : LFamily BusinessL andL1,001 Fires RagingL. In the first, Megumi -like the author, a long-time resident of the United States- pays a visit to her now eighty-seven-year-old mother in Japan. After so many years living abroad, Megumi simply canLt understand contemporary Japan, so when her nephew runs away from home, and her elderly mother gives chase, Megumi finds herself having to relearn Japanese survival skills in an effort to bring them home safely. InL1,001 Fires RagingL, another Japanese-American woman, Yu, has been living in California for decades -which makes it all the more painful that sheLs just as subject to discrimination now as ever. When, in the wake of the Rodney King trial, LALs African American population begins to riot, Yu learns just how much damage exclusion can do- finding it even within her own family.@ŸFoumiko Kometani was born in Osaka in 1930. A longtime resident of the US, she began her career as an abstract painter before turning to writing. She won the Akutagawa Prize in 1985 and the WomenLs Prize for Literature in 1998 for LFamily BusinessL.)


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