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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2020/04/21 01:31:32 JSTLastUpdate:2020/04/21 01:31:32 JST
TITULO Japanese Linguistics (★)
AUTOR Mark Irwin, Matthew Zisk
EDITORIAL Asakura Publishing
ISBN 978-4-254-51681-4
NOTA (★)(´Japanese Linguistics´ is a broad-spectrum description of the Japanese language in a form that is both accessible and interesting to readers with some knowledge of Japanese. It covers not only phonology and grammar, but also the writing, sociolinguistics and history of Japanese, as well as reform and education policy. Japanese is considered in all its registers, ranging from mainstream language to sub-culture language, slang and jargon, and is significant in including many issues not found in other surveys of Japanese. The text consists of short stand-alone units each on a specific sub-topic, which is introduced and explained in concise terms and fully illustrated with examples and useful tables. Linguistic terminology is clearly defined. Units are also comprehensively cross-referenced to each other, allowing the reader to browse as well as read sequentially. Aimed primarily at the undergraduate, ´Japanese Linguistics´ is suitable also for the casual reader or for the more advanced student.[Nicolas Tranter, School of East Asian Studies, University of Sheffield] ◆Mark Irwin, Yamagata University, Japan, Research fields : phonology, sociolinguistics, historical linguistics, Matthew Zisk, Yamagata University, Japan, Research fields : language contact, historical linguistics, orthography, translation ▼CONTENTS : 1.Introduction (導入) 2.Phonology and Phonetics (音韻と音声) 3.Grammar and Syntax (文法と統語) 4.Orthography and Writing (正書法と書記) 5.Lexicon and Word Formation (語彙と語形成) 6.Language and Society (言語と社会) 7.Language Contact and Dialects (言語接触と方言) 8.Education, Research and Policy (教育と研究、政策))


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