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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2020/05/13 23:25:33 JSTLastUpdate:2020/05/19 04:13:13 JST
TITULO The Spirit of Huci : Four Seasons of an Ainu Woman (フチの伝えるこころ アイヌの女の四季) (★)
AUTOR Keira Tomoko (計良智子)
EDITORIAL Jurousha (寿郎社)
ISBN 978-4-909281-13-5
NOTA (★)(The most characteristic aspect of Ainu cooking is how to prepare preserved food. Spring is thought to be the beginning of summer. Just after the snow melts, women go into the mountains and creeks to pick wild green vegetables. When it gets warmer, women turn the soil to sow grain seeds and plant potatoes. The process of making ´peneimo´ using potatoes which became frozen during the winter, must also be carried out during this time... アイヌの料理の最も大きな特徴は、保存食料をどう料理するかという点にあります。春ーそれは夏の始まりと考えられました。雪解けとともに山や沢に分け入り、青菜(山菜)を採る。少し暖かくなると畑をおこし、穀類やイモを蒔きます。冬の間凍らせておいたイモを加工して、ペネイモという保存食料も作らねばなりません。 ◆Keira Tomoko [1947-2016], Author. Born in Shiraoi, Iburi District, Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan. Passed away in March, 2016. Member of the Management Committee of ´Yay Yukar no Mori,´ Representative from 2002. Founding Member of ´Yay Yukar People´s Academic Society.´ Later served as Head of the Steering Committee. Served as Sapporo Ainu Career counselor, Sapporo Social Welfare Counselor, and member of the Board of Directors of the Ainu Association of Hokkaido, amongst other positions. In 1994, her citarpe (flower-patterned mat) received a prize in the New Works Competition and Exhibition of the Japan Folk Crafts Museum [Nihon Mingeikan].)


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