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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2020/09/23 00:10:28 JSTLastUpdate:2020/09/23 03:41:52 JST
TITULO Remnants of Days Past (A Journey through Old Japan) (š)
AUTOR Watanabe Kyoji
ISBN 978-4-86658-140-8
NOTA (š)(“n•Ó‹ž“ñ)(Translated by Joseph Litsch)(Titulo original : À‚«‚µ¢‚̖ʉe [Yukishi yo no omokage, 1998])(LRemnants of Days PastL, by WATANABE Kyoji, is an epic journey into JapanLs past. It is a comprehensive look at Tokugawa rule and the Edo period, an age in which the civilization of LOld JapanL was still on display and which,, for better or worse, ceased to exist with the advent of modernization. Watanabe covers in great detail several topics pertaining to this civilization, including the status and position of the various social classes, views on women and children, attitudes towards sex, labor, and the body, and religious beliefs, as well as the unique cosmology behind this civilization. To support his views, Watanabe makes use of a number of works written by foreign observers who visited Japan from the end of the Edo period to the beginning of the Meiji period. As the author writes in this book, LWhat is important in my mind is the reality that the civilization of LOld JapanL was developed through a universal desire, as well as the ideas behind this desire, to make life as comfortable as possible for human existenceL. This is a massive work that takes an in-depth look at what modern Japan has lost.@ŸWATANABE Kyoji, a historian of modern Japan, was born in Kyoto in 1930. He has worked as a book review editor and is currently a chief researcher at Kawai Institute for Culture and Education in Fukuoka. He lives in Kumamoto City. Watanabe has published numerous books, including : LKita Ikki (Kita Ikki, Chikuma Shobo)L, LNihon komyun shugi no keifu (The School of Japanese Communism, Ashi Shobo)L, LHyoden Miyazaki Toten (Biography of Miyazaki Toten, Daiwa Shobo)L, LWatanabe Kyoji hyoron shusei 1-4 (Collected Works of Watanabe Kyoji, Volumes 1-4, Ashi Shobo)L, LNihon kinsei no kigen (The Birth of Modern Japan, Yosensha)L, LEdo to iu genkei (Fantastic Views of Edo, Gen Shobo)L, and LGenpatsu to janguru (Nuclear Power Plants and the Jungle of Man, Shobunsha)L.)


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